Learning Lessons from this Article
If you already identify a common problem in everyday life, it's best to come out with a solution and it would be great if you could market (sell) it out to the public.

To take on the "Big Players" in the current beverages industry like Mr Johnson Tan said, it's about the branding and to make adjustments to the taste to cater to more customers.
Additional Information: Branding is a complicated term which not only focus the Brand itself, but also on the positioning of an individual product or brand when it is first launched.
To successfully market out your products, you have to know your positioning of your products (when compared to the other products in the market) and how to market it out to the public, in the case of Mr Johnson Tan; he identified a trait which is that people's buying habits - "Curiosity"

The road to being a boss of a company is not easy. When you share your ideas with people hoping to get feedbacks, often you will be faced with negative feedbacks and lots of discouragement on their part to advise their close ones not to risk their savings etc into a risky business.
To succeed, it takes GUT Feeling to identify your Niche/Unique Market & Product which others can't copy, and be able to do it alone if there's a need to do so.

Every business venture is a valuable experiences and the person has have to got enough capital to keep the overheads, expenses running, generally it's the overheads per month which kills, in the case of this article, Mr Johnson Tan have sufficient funds (1st Pot of Gold) to go ahead with his plans.