Update: Sorry, no longer looking for beta testers for the time being
Hi all!
I am looking to launch an online advertising service for Singapore- SgImpact, and have reached the stage where I need people to help test it. In return, you will get free advertising for your product/service on sgForums.
If you are interested, please sign up at
http://sgimpact.com/, and follow the tutorial to create the ad creative. Then PM me the email you signed up with, together with a short description of the products/services/website you are intending to promote. If you are eligible, I will give you some credit to spend on the site.
To be eligible: you must be a legitimate business, no adult material, no scams, no illegal stuff, etc. You must be willing to keep me updated with how you are getting on, any problems, bugs, suggestions, feedback, etc either in this thread or via email or the contact button on the site