Originally posted by frostysurfer:
Dun be sad ah... ur hamster live longer than mine... meaning tat u've been a really caring owner too cos their life span is only longest 2 yrs only. Mine only have a lifespan of abt 2 yrs only. Its a she, and u can imagine tat she's struggling not to die and wanna stay on, and its so damme sad. Till i've to pat her than she breathe her last breathe.. maybe tat proves not only humans have emotions or feelings...
So stay happie!! But now.. i dun wanna have a pet already.. its a little too painful for having to harbour tis kinda feelings.
I thought the life of the hamster is 3 yrs max?? for my case, I think he died in his sleep...morning still see him eat and drink...but when i came back at nite and wanted to play with him, he got no more reaction oredi

till now i am still not used to the seperation and sometimes at night i can still vaguely hear the wheel turning sound...