Living in fantasy is for only a short period of time...sooner or later....pple wakes up to face the reality....
watever u do...the path u choose....never say a word regret coz if u knoe u might regret...why would u wanna do in the 1st place...thus...when u make a sure tat thats the one u wanna be wif...ask urself if u realli love him....if u feel tat loving him or being wif him is such a torture 4 u....then let it go...sometimes, we end up wif some1 who we might not wan...but they managed to cover up ur loneliness n shower u wif love, care n concern...makes u dun wanna give him up..!!~~
but eventually, u knoe tat this can never work out...!!~ we'll nv knoe who we might meet or be wif in future...take one step at a time is always my theory....
For those who r in love probz...this is 4 u...arghhh....wat am i toking..???

full of nonsense....lolzzzz

LiFe Is FuLL Of UpS & DoWnS..LeArn To TaKe ThInGs EaSy..U'LL FiNd UrSelF HaPpIeR..!!~