*boy (A)*

{ It's a
*boy (B)*

{ NO! It's a

{ NO! It's a
Angels in disguise)
*boy (A)*

{ And it looks like it coming this way)
<<< BOOM >>>
*The Angle fell and knock his head on
"boy (B)" head and land his leg on
"boy (A)" head *

{ See, I'm rite! I'm rite, I told u guys it a
Angle in disguise)
*The Angle*

God! I thought I'm here to
bless someone)

{ Yes u did... hee hee hee... )
~~~~The End~~~~
**I want u to be with me.....
**So we can be together.....be with me in the morning...be with me in the nite...with me when its dark out...with me when its light...
I'm with u in the morning... I'm with u in the nite...I'm with u when its dark out...I'm with u when its light... I will always be with uI want u to be with me...no matter what we do...just keep this reminder...of how much I love u...**
Yes I will be with u...Yes I will no matter what we do...I will remember this in my mind... of how much u love me...**