Originally posted by jliu:
I saw your letter meant for Crysania, shouldnt you keep this between you and her alone?
I hope after you have gone through NS will you come out a person with more COURAGE and a sense of PURPOSE.
So far, I have not seen you post any thing desiring to know more or resolve issues.
Maybe that is your choice, but I see you as without COURAGE and without PURPOSE.

{Ok! that it I hate to start this but u wan a post of desiring + courage + purpose = wars then let me give u one.)

{ As I can see u r a guy that have been brainwashed by someone that think war is good, why? is it because after u won the wars get lots of people kill in ur hands and dreams of those people coming to u at nite calling ur name "JLIU give me back my life")
* haunt *
* haunt *

{Desire... Take over the world kill as many as u can or rape as much woman as u can, u r a monster from living hell)

{Courage... to defend not to start a war what did u learn from NSF, u monster from living hell)

{Purpose... what ur purpose in NSF if u wanna start a war and not perverting it from happening, u monster form living hell)

{By the way, in this world there's something more horrible then war in AD2000 if have IQ but no EQ then u will not understand what I mean if u don't even have IQ or EQ then shut down ur PC and stop posting this kinda post in there)

{ One last thing what's ur purpose here? )
It only takes a minute to kill a man.
But it takes a lifetime to forget it.
It easy to kill someone.
But it hard to save your love ones.
[This message has been edited by Virus (edited 22 July 2000).]