wahahahhaa cupid~!!! YDK~!!! u damn boliao leh haha :p
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
what is YDK ?
------------------ | Do not lead for i will not follow. Do not follow for i will not lead
wahliew... YDK = Yan Dao Kia lahhhh kaoz.... u very w o l s sia hehehehe~
kaoz, he never even see me before, don't believe him. muwhahahaa.
And how i know ydk means yandao kia, kaoz. muwahahahahahah
anyway, long time no see u, how are u ?
me fine cept for a something thats pissing me off lor u? :p
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
Doing good, still running from NS, muwahhahaahah...soon lah soon...
LoL haha poor u i still got few more yrs to go :p WAH!!! so colourful but nice sia... hehe
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
wAh pianGz eHz... CuPid hOw u dO aLL tHE sMiLeY sMileY tHiNg oNe!! sObsOb... mY dEArdEAr lEaVe mE bEhiNd sO i hAf tO cOme sEe tHis fOrUm aNd tYpE cRAp...LaLaLa cUpid dAMn yanDaO aRhz... sAw hiM dAt tiMe aT eGaMes... aLL tHE gUrLs sEe LiAo aLL dRooL cAnz... dEn luvYun tEll uS aLL gO sEe the yDk cUpid aT cOm. dUnnO wAd nUmbEr... *gWinz* aNiwAe i tHiNk i tOk eNuFf cRaP LiAos..ciaOz!~* !rEtR0GirL™ lOvEs PrOj3Ct™ 4eVa!
------------------ rEtR0GirL wAs hErE, bEwArE aLL u pEopLe! [VX]-|baRcolm|-=Icy_rEtR0GirL=-|PrOj3Ct|*-[WtP]hUnnYbEe|-*
kaoz...if there is anyone yandao, it should be spawn, he yandao kia
as for the sm les , use your imagination, sure can one
.... sigh.... poor cupid he so yandao but too bad he is blind hahahahaha either tt or he damn cok eye see ugly monster as yandao LoL :p
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
eh...that time at SLS the girls ask u for phone number hor, not ask me leh. You attract girls just like bees to the honey
wah kaozz.... u sure noe how to tell tall tales hor... :p wanna cheat all those innocent gals out there ar? or trying to get someone as scrapegoat so they dun all fall for u? LoL :p lalalala
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
OrOoOoOoOoOoOo?! hehez.. [VX] forum sia?! hehehez! Heyloz pple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am the PoK[E]MoN here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sianz sia. U all damn boh liao arhz?! set up the [VX] forum! =PpPpPpPp
sigh.... IGNTS i cannot beat u sia.... kaoz.... not only a ydk but also a gd talker.... sure able to sweet talk a lot of gals one LoL
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
But still the difference is that you don't even need to swwet talk girls, they come to you by themselves !
kaozz..... =X i dunno wad to sae liaoz....
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
pika pika CHU~~~!!!~~!!! hehehe.... *for cupid... the pika chu* =P
------------------ *Luv is such a fragile thing, real n light as porcelain... it can break so ezli .... and it's hard to mend... u can hold on tight enuff... when lines r cross, we lost our trust...*
btw... cupid is si beh YDK....~!!!! IGNTS.... SUPER YDK... hahaha =P
------------------ *Luv is such a fragile thing, real n light as porcelain... it can break so ezli .... and it's hard to mend... u can hold on tight enuff... when lines r cross, we lost our trust...*
o : o
LoL at first i tot i lost liaoz but now luvyun help me liaoz hehehe yay~!!! GO YUN GO~!!! :p *me wans hughug~!!! :p
------------------ *T-=Icy_$p@wN*MeD!v@|FoN|=-E*
LuvYun.....Mai sabo hor...............
btw.. dun buwee my dear cupid korkor liao... later he sob sob... i si liao... =Þ
------------------ *Luv is such a fragile thing, real n light as porcelain... it can break so ezli .... and it's hard to mend... u can hold on tight enuff... when lines r cross, we lost our trust...*