I observe from our various missions that we actually have no lack of chances to sian char bor. In fact, we had already locked on our targets but we always chickened out last minute.
Excuses given are:
1) "She is older than me leh"
2) "She not chio enough leh"
3) "Nobody to partner me in sianing leh"
4) "We have girls with us leh. If we go sian other char bors then they no face."
5) "I bo chee to sian leh"
Why does this happen when we have already gone through the 2 "confirmation" steps?
Why? Why? What is the real reson?

"Confirmation" Steps
1) Look at intended target.
2) When she returns the look, smile at her.
3) If target smiles back, then confirm can onz.
4) If target looks away or shows disgusted look, then don't bother to follow up.