Murphy's Laws.......
Too cheem? Easier if,
I guess you can relate it in our daily lives all the time.
For example :
For all drivers out there, when you are caught in a traffic jam, how come you are always in the lane that moves the slowest?
Similarly, when there are multiple queues to the counter, how is it that you always pick the slowest moving one?

Another example, when you always don't want some particular person to show up, they always will?

Also, how is it that when you are rushing for time, that particular bus you need to take is always moving out of the bus stop before you can reach the bus stop, thereby missing it? Yet when you are in no particular hurry, the bus always arrives just as you reach the bus stop?
On a parallel, how is it that when you are at a bus stop waiting for, say, 143, the bus NEVER comes? Yet when you wait for another bus, 143 comes at the frequency of say 5 mins per bus?

Murphy's Laws....... interesting huh?