[QUOTE]Originally posted by USairways:
[B]What i really look forward to travel is by which airline and aircraft !!
For example going to Surabaya .. will u dare to fly on Bouraq airlines ?? I am sure a lot of you havent heard of this airline . Its a new start-up airline from Indonesia !! It operates 20 years old Boeing 737-200 !!
If i go to Indonesia i probably fly on either SQ , KLM or Swissair (Jakarta)
When i am overseas, i spent hours at the airport taking a lot of pictures of different airlines and aircrafts !!
My best experience was at McCarren international airport (Las Vegas ) , i took a lot of pictures spent 3 hrs admiring them !!( kekeke )
i am very planesiao rite ?

I don't know much about planes, they just look either BiG, bigger or small. The only scary experience I had was on a flight to San Fran, plane hit a turbulance and fell a couple (i don't how many) feet. my stomach was halfway up my neck & when i saw the shock, more like 'panic look' from the flight attendent i knew this is no routine occurence to her. I was only maybe 3 hours into the flight, such a comfort to know

Had 7 or 8 smokes at transit(taipei) skipped the DFS totally
the good airline is EVA, so you're warned