Hmmm, James... Money is not everything. Success is not everything. of course enough to be comfortable or like wat Tet describes is pretty damm goot already.
You'll discover soon that the money doesn't matter much in whether u cna get a girl or not.
Getting gers to like u is a process only those with the right stuff can do. ppl who have the killer insinct. PPl who are basiocally assholes. how many assholes do u see who r single? Unless they are obscenely ugly, they'll most likely be attached. I've seen it, you've seen it as have all of us here.
Because they make the girls feel insecure. Although security is somethign that women want, what they crave is something altogether different.
Assholes have the best of luck with gers.
Let me give you an example. My ex ex ex GF admitted to me that she didn't trust me even after she agreed to go out with me. It wasn't until we went together that she discovered that I was trust worthy. It was then that she appreciated my stability.
But in general, gers tend to get attracted to guys which are off limits. Very few will ever get attracted to the nice guys lah. Where do u think the phrase, nice guys finish last comes from?
We tend to not bring ourselves to lie, cheat, and be devious...things which gers are attracted to. that's where the fault lies lah. Who in their right minds will go and look for someone who is stabel and long term unless they are going to get married?
Noone. Not students or salaried ppl. Admittedly, the cars and money help to glitz up and bring attention to these ppl, it's their ability to lie so well that unnerves gers subconsciously that gets them the gers.
So go and get the killer instinct. You only need a bit of money my man. Trust me. If you can manage to giff off the image that you are shifty, most likely you stand a better cance of gers liking u.
But just a note> It doesn't maintain a relationship though. maintenance of relationships can only be achieved by ppl who trust each other...
Aiyah Dun listen to me lah. I a farkign loser in this department aniway.