Whereever you go, whenever there's a big group, politics are sure to happen. I can't find a better word, so politics will have to do. Ever since I joined Sgforums, it has been an eye-opening experience, learning about how to del with so many people. After dealing with another kind of people in the army, no offense there, I've entered into yet another realm of people types, so to speak. Now, the people in here are from such a wide range of age groups, from 15 all the way to 35, 40? I guess I'm not that much of a street smart guy, I'm a naive romantic, heeeheeee, easily kena bluffed wan, and yet it is from here that I've learned the ropes of wheeling and dealing....
Now is it me or that sgforums has it's own clans and groups etc? hmmm, should i mention names, I don't wanna start a war here, but what the heck! Taboo or not, here goes!
First there's the infamous SCB clan

infamous or not, some of you might go har?? who's that? well, i guess it comprises me, oldman, asure, and kj. We been going out and stuff, go cheonging, eat etc, and basically it's pretty fun!
Then there's the 3 'bitches'or the "ALL MEN ARE BASTARDS!!" gang, ie eeriegal, tindongal and tet plus i tink recently some more new inductees or 'bitches' hiak!
The flirtees, reve, sparkle, colette
Of cos lest we forget, there's lexelle and her gang too!
and the most famous, FNU and his gang! heehee
If i were to remain the same as i was after the army, and joined the sgforums now, i'd think wow wat a happening bunch! Yet, there are always dark undercurrents aboutdont' you think? Hmm, I may be setting myself up for the fall, what the heck.
Like recently, there's been the impostor thread on tdg, pheonix, humblepie and hatasan. why leh? what's the point? to ruin someone's reputation? on sgforums? is sgforums that big a deal? why do some people get so jealous over something so little. i've to say that some people in this forum aren't as friendly as they seem, cos underneath, they can be very very cunning. harsh but true. the moment i started posting agin, people from certain groups started swaying me wif their idealism. that certain so and so is doing this etc etc etc. now after two months in here i gotta say i hate it alot, all this winding here and twisting there. if you don't like someone why don't you just say it out? why hide behind a veil of secrecy? who gives anyone the right to point fingers at another person in the first place? are you God? no one says you have to like everybody you meet, just chill and relax ppl. sgforums is a place to air your questions, grievances, thots etc. if u wanna be serious, then say so, else is just all in the name of fun! to turn this place into a flaming ground, or a place of people pretending to be other people just plain sux. you want to have mutiple identies? go ahead, but just don't mislead other ppl!
even with the gorups i mentioned above, bickerings within the group remain. then ppl start asking me abt how i feel about this issue or how i feel about this person. argh! so wat does it matter how i feel? if i say i hate that person, does that mean i will become your ally or what? duh! sgforums isn't meant a place for personal attacks, you hate that person you tell him straight if u can't keep it to yourself, you don't have to broadcast to the whole world or start a personal vendetta against that person.
jeez, i think i 've rambled on enuff, the bottomline is, spare me the politics and bullshit, i just wanna have fun in the forums, i dun wish to have to become a politician just to have fun
that is all