Originally posted by rae-lyn:
What I'm trying to bring up here is not the issue of sex, hymens or promiscuity. Rather, the issue of double standards all over the place. There's still this tint of sexual discrimination in Singapore. As a daughter of Singapore, I feel it, and I think it's pretty screwed up.
Believing... In the eyes of the beholder.
Pretty much good debates going on between Maya and Terence... <- Sorry but don't really have time and sure is regretful that I'm missing out alot of interesting information....

Rae-lynn: Since it's YOUR TOPIC and your subject here, let me point my arrow to YOU.

HISTORY: Dates back to the past. When women have no say and no status in this society.
But women LEARNT to break through fairly quickly.... I must admit that before all this discrimination craps came out AGAIN, women were doing fairly well for a CHANGE, for a START.... If fact, many still ARE...
Women were no longer like they used to. They dressed up, take control, gain independence.... But only to be going in the wrong direction.... The direction that they wanted to break free from. The ATTENTIONS of the guys. They were WRONG in the sense that they went for POWER and ATTENTION.... So what's with all the beauty and outstanding status if there're no one to appreciate it? the TURN of direction was from there.... They went back to from they started from, headed back for the same direction... GUYS were LOST when the women FIRST rebel....
Now guys TOO have LEARNT.... They too have 'upgarded' their looks.... And caught up.... But YET, they also SET UP another CONSPIRACY at the same time. The NAMING game. To group and categorised women in the way the GUYS wanna see them. BLIND women went on into believing in the GUYS' categorising just because the women shown trends or likes of the categorising... Also women WANTED attention... AND they did not wanna be LEFT OUT of this GAME... The game of ATTENTION... Let me CLARIFY something at this point... NO MATTER how close you sound like a particular category OR class, you're NEVER the SAME... Because if a category is to put MORE than 2 'subjects' into the same grouping... Then I'm telling you that NO 2 WOMEN would ever be the SAME PERSON.... And that's just how it works.... By allowing yourself to be categorised you are DISCARDING yourself and fitting into the MOULD that the GUYS want you to be IN.... And the RULES of the GAME is you'll NEVER WIN.... Cause you're playing a GUYS' GAME......
Rae-lynn, for your answer.... Discrimination DON'T HAPPEN just like that... The people who discriminate you are the ones PLAYING the GUYS' GAME.... They can be WOMEN who are believers of the GAME themselves... OR GUYS who just ENJOY the benefits of the GAME..... Don't be LOST... Be YOURSELF....

Don't forsake the GUYS... But don't LEAN against them neither... For a moment there I thought you girls were doing pretty well for a change...?

Please don't let me down?
LAST thing to add... There're ALSO some VERY SMART WOMEN out there (You know who you are?

) Using the GAME of the GUYS against themselves.... To allow themselves to fall into category (Or at least seemingly SO), and yet still having their own STYLES, THINKING and WAYs.... Dangerous babes....
Guess LIFE just ain't the same anymore..? ANYWAY, I'm tired of all these GAMEs...... I'm OUT...

ße COOL, NOT s¢rr¥....