if you guys think legalised prostitution and illegal pimping is a tough paradox, check this out - even soliciting is illegal, which means only customers can approach a working girl.
to be fair the health and medical state of prostitutes in s'pore is not as dire as say US or UK. back home working girls are required by law to undergo routine checks and the low drug rate does not contribute to correlational vice accumulation.
unfortunately, its pimping that's a problem, like its is in US and UK. the demands and deception employed by men (like hata-san - just kidding!

) to procure and secure regional girls are quite morally devious. for the purpose of entry permits, work permits, immigration checks and ultimately as false promise to the girls themselves - pimps put down would-be occupations like waitress, hostress, PR officers etc. it all turns sour when the girls get here. violence is also another factor.
another problem - also a problem in US and UK, but more so in s'pore - is the social stigma attached to these girls. even self-professed feminists who ride on the fundamental principle of equal reward and zero-tolerance to violence and marginalisation also talk about prostitutes with the same mindset of their anathema - the male chauvinist pig.