thanxs attitude....i'm really touched and grateful to ya did lightened me up alot...thanxs answer ya questions though, i knew its might be useless to go after a ger who's attached, but i always thought that people should do things following their heart and feelings tell them wat to do...isn't it rite...then i was confused too...thinking whether its worth it anot....but i told myself if i dun go for it , i might regret it...u see i'm a very shy guy, not abit but a what i did for her took mwe a lot of courage i dun think i would do anything like what i did for her again. but it did build up my courage alot.. u really think she has feelings for me, and she's touched by what i did? i hope so...but frenzs say that she's juz toying with me, but my feelings tells me truthfully that she's not, and i trust my feelings. i guess its all my fault. maybe she really did treat me as a frenz, maybe she's really so innocent that she didn't sensed that i like her all along......mAybe.....recently i tried very hard to isolate and get her out of my life........i tried not to call her, msg her, bump into her, but still when she needed help, i'll always be there for her, tahts wat i told her. recently, she was juz asking if i could help her buy the kitty, i did'nt promise her anything, she too juz asking, if i could get it(if i myself is buying) help her buy one...but wat she doesn't knew is that i dun go for such stuffs...but juz to make her happy, i was one of the 1000 over crowds at bishan, since wed nite.. i skip my half days lect for her, but i dun regret it, when i told her that i got her kitty, she was so happy, but she never asked my how i got it, oits as if its so easy for me to get it for her. of coz i was upset but as long as she's happy, but she found out what i did for her, and she msg me sorry, so many times....but i told her that as long as she's happy, its fine with me.. til now we never really contact, i haven't pass her the kitty yet, i really feel like calliung her, telling her abt wats happening around me everyday......but thinking.......i think its best i stop contacting her, or i might not be able to control my feelings, moreover she might not be as anxious as i am to share her daily happenings.every now and then, i always think abt the ring that i bought for her, is she wearing iyt or is it already lying somewhere in a deserted part of her room. i dreamt of her too, not really often, only twice since the day i met her, but it was really sweet.there r times i really wonder if i'm juz a tool that helps her with everythihng, like giving her notes that might help her, doing things for her, does she appreciates it at all? does she feel anything at all? i really dunno. like now, am i ever occupying a place in her mind now, thinking why i've not been calling her lately. how i wish i am. but never the less , thanxs everybody who have been replying to my topic. not only attitude but people like swatch especailly , thanxs. and also to the others. i would keep on updating the current situation to u all if u dun find me a bore, thanxs again for everything, i really need it.

oh yes, changni too.

[This message has been edited by takeshi kaneshiro (edited 30 January 2000).]