We are an IT company dealing with most IT products in the market.
We are looking for students from Singapore Polytechnic who aspire to be
entrepreneurs. Potential students will be chosen and mentored to
promote our IT products in Singapore Polytechnic. Attractive bonus will
be given to those who achieve the target challenges.
- Must be current students of Singapore Polytechnic
- Preferable from Business School
- Preferable Female who are professional & presentable
- Motivated & Insiprational
- Able to meet target and overcome challenges
Do you have what it takes?
Email us a brief resume in MS Words format about yourself and a full size photo of you to sgentrepreneur.recruit@gmail.com
Please include your name, nric, gender, date of birth, address, email,
mobile, course taking, and any other comments that you would like to
Chosen students will be called up and attend a short interview with us in Singapore Polytechnic.