I am looking for 3-5 people who are
1) over 18 years-old
2) have self-motivation
3) likes helping people
4) willing to learn & develop themselves
5) discipline
6) wants to earn some part-time money
I am in the business of helping people achieve their lifestyle they want. These people will undergo training in various personal development skills and share skin care/ health products with friends and peoples alike. They will face the real world honing their skills rather doing them in the classroom.
Interested pls email to successline2003@yahoo.com.sg for a simple screening session.
Cheers to a healthy week.
It is Network Marketing...also known as MLM, if you like this term.
What is MLM ? ... simply word of mouth advertising.
Who does it ?
- do you tell your friends when you watch a good movie (or a lousy one)
- do you tell your friends that u hv been to this pub with sexy babes ?
- do you tell your friends that some char kuay teow in some part of singapore is the best ?
- (for ladies) do you tell your friends that this lipstick you are using is good.
All these are word-of-mouth advertising, everyone does it...just that some get paid, most other are not.
Or its simply you choose to get paid for it or choose to do for free.