hey juz heard fr my frenz who went to help out in orientation, due to sars, all tp student r nt suppose to step into other sch....
like if u belong to business, u can onli hang around in business block..no steppin into design or other block unless u got cds...
n they say muz olso wear those sticker provin u r sars-free, wonder who came up with this rule, muz be tt @#$$^
my cousin from NP also.....now campus divided into three color zones and u r only allowed to loiter in ur own color zones......
ya lor, n they say this will at least last till august... sian canot find my frenz liao wonderin if can try to mingle wif this rule... who will noe if i smuggle into engineer...hopefully no1 will realise mi when im smugglin... lolx
lucki i out of TP liao
ahha everyone got zoned! but who cares? you cross also cannot say anything mah