Components of a Computer System and Modes of Use
Hardware, software, input devices, storage devices and output devices
Hardware is the physical - mostly electrical - components which make up the computer system. Examples of hardware would be the motherboard and a device controller circuit board.
Software are the programs - made up of program instructions - which run on the hardware. Software makes the hardware useable.
Input devices
One of the fundamentals principles of any computer system is that its operation consists of a continuous cycle of input - processing - output.
Consider when a user key in a search phrase to say Amazon (the input) - the computer system searches the database for that product (the processing) and then produce the search result (the output).
Consider the embedded computer system inside a washing machine. A user selects the wash programme to use on their washing machine (the input) - the computer system senses that the door is shut etc. (the processing) and an LED display shows the wash time remaining (the output).
The keyboard
The standard QWERTY keyboard is the widely used input device.
Sensors are used to 'sense' physical attributes in the real-world. Specialist input devices These are often designed for the rapid input of large quantities of data such as optical character recognition (for billing applications) and high speed scanning devices.
Temporary storage
Short term storage is required for the intermediate processing of data. The Amazon search example requires that the search results are temporarily stored immediately before being displayed to the user. This type of storage is called primary storage.
Permanent storage
Permanent storage is required for all files which are used by the computer system. A personal computer (PC) which has the programs and user's data stored on the PC will all require permanent storage. This is done with an internal hard drive. This type of storage is called secondary storage.
Output devices
A monitor used as a display screen is the most popular output device. Other forms of output would be hard copy using a printer or some form of sound using speakers/earphones such as speech output or simply a warning 'bleep' to the user.
Central Processing Unit
Primary storage
↑ ↓
Input → Processor → Output
↑ ↓
Secondary storage
Different types of software
Software falls into two categories:
• system software
• applications software
Operating System
The one piece of software which will be provided when we purchase a computer is the operating system. The computer system is unusable without an operating system.
The role of operating system is to manage the resources of the processor.
The operating system provides the interface between the hardware and the user and hides all the complexities of the hardware away from the user.
Operating system
System software → Programming language translators
↘ Utility programs
↘ Library programs
Classification of software
General purpose applications software
Applications Software → Special purpose applications software
↘ Bespoke software
Applications programs
Applications programs are generally mass marketed and so the user will have a choice to make.
Applications programs can be classified as either:
• general purpose applications programs
• special purpose applications programs
General purpose applications
Also known as 'generic' software. A general purpose applications program can be used for a variety of tasks.
Word processor
A word processor can be used for a variety of task including:
• basic word processing
• producing a company report
• writing a textbook etc.
The software has features for the basic creation, saving, retrieval and editing of text.
Spread sheet
A spreadsheet consists of a grid of columns and rows called cells into which text, numbers and formulae can be arranged.
A spreadsheet can be used for a variety of tasks:
• presenting a costing for an event such as a music concert
> This allows for 'what-if' type use - what if we increase the cost of a ticket to $30? What effect will this have on the projected profit?
• maintaining a simple list of information.
Early databases were little more that a computerised 'card file'. Modern relational databases and database management systems are the backbone of most large commercial applications.
Presentation software
There are now many different applications of presentation software, such as Microsoft Power Point, that it can be classified as general purpose. Applications include:
• a student presentation of some research work
• teaching a new topic to a class
• running a rolling display of slides advertising the school at a marketing event.
As the presentation is in electronic form it can be distributed on a magnetic medium or through a website to make it more widely available.
General points
Many of these general purpose software programs (for example, Microsoft Office) now come with a built-in programming language (for example, Visual Basic for Applications) and so this extends the scope of the software's usage and so fits even closer to our definition of being 'suitable for a variety of tasks').
Use of general purpose software is the 'starting point' to develop a computer solution which assumes that:
• an audit of the features available with (for example a spreadsheet) has been done and we are satisfied that the required software features are present from which the solution can be produced
• the user has sufficient skills with the software to do this.
Special purpose applications software
Special purpose software is software designed for one particular task. The list of applications and uses is almost endless!
Route planner software
The software is designed for the user to key in the start and final destination (could be the name of the town or some form of postal code). The software calculates and displays the route, estimated time etc.
Tax calculator software
The only task for which this is appropriate is the calculation of the income tax a person will have to pay.
Bespoke software
Bespoke software is written for a particular client following their program specification. For example, the software needed for a Examiner to upload all the marks from the scripts they have been allocated was written specifically for Examinations.
There are researchers that somebody elaborated on the diseases caused by the chemical components of cosmetics and skin desire products. Baillie- Toxicologist an environmental upbeat expert at LiposkinSuperlative Lincoln in Scotland information how the toxins can movement problems as grave as unsusceptible scheme diseases, medicine disorders, hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders, hypersensitivity, somebody, fatness, female upbeat problems and musculoskeletal disorders etc.
Pesticides are specifically identified as a cause of insusceptible bar crossways the mankind. Neurotoxins also contained in these products are a rootle drive of hyperbolic frequency of brainpower disease. Wee up and embody protection products can justified justification nascence flee allergic reactions and cancer. It is owing to the fact that our embody absorbs a monumental quantity of what we put on our strip. However what is suicidal is that there is no government regulation on this $35 cardinal business which regularly launches products that are potentially unsafe to the hominian body.Followers are whatsoever of the products that are renowned to score repercussions which can be decisive.Pare Lightening Products- These products pruned up in the mart owing to the touristed belief that ignitor and paler rind tones signify exemplar. Melanin produced by melanocytes is stray within the basal bed of the strip. This calculate determines how darkening a person's pare is, if the become of melanin produced is statesman then it capital that someone testament be of darker skin modulate. It has another grave work for the rind that is to protect it from the libellous ultra purple rays of the sun.