The whole system is structure in such a way that only those who are academically talented will excel. Those who are more talented in other field (like musics, designs, sports and etc) to be categories in the earliest stage of their education and branded as loser.
The system is so selfishly structure that only those brainy people will eventually goes to the top of the crop and become scholars. What about those who are very creative in drawing, good in dancing or superb in people relationship skills? You don't see many government institutes here providing education that is incline to the nature of the talent of these poor fellows!

The education system here, fails to provide to everyone and thus unsuccessful in bringing out the maximum potential of every Singaporean. The MOE introduce a new method of categorizing students into different categories in the early phrase of their education in Singapore, so as to bring out the potential of the students. But hey, if they never change the education material they are going to provide for the students, it will just be another complicate categorizing method of seperating loser from those academic winners!
I feel that after so many years, problem of creativity and lack of talents in Singapore due to this education system has not been remedied. The government is simply looking at the wrong side to improve the system...in fact not improving at all.
To the government:
Don't blame us for not creative. You guys are not creative in the first place and you have been using the education system to kill our creativity and talent in the first place!
For those who simply can't excel in local studies which is very academically incline, no fear! For it is just that your talent is of another different nature. Go find out what it is and fully utilise it. If it requires you to leave the country, go ahead...unless you are very 'brainy', this place not for you!