hahaha...still haven't forgot about the planking craze last year
Ways to stop people from planking....
i always wanted to plank in front of the statue of raffles
Originally posted by Seth T.:Don’t see the fun of it, >.<
Love the extinguisher LOL!
planking is like a cool activity...but this trend fading liao...
best i seen....
Originally posted by Summer hill:planking is like a cool activity...but this trend fading liao...
And this,,,,,,
feels fake. :/
Originally posted by Seth T.:
One good thing about the this fading trend is that we'll no longer see useless posts about people planking on counterpart stomp.. I'm indifferent, haha! Sadly, we live in a world where if you put Susan Boyle and Michael Buble in toilet cubicles and have them sing the most beautiful songs with their beautiful voices. No one will appreciate it . At first glance that was pretty scary, :x.
because of stories of ghost singing!