Hi fellow networkers. We have succesfully concluded both our Introductory networking events on the 18th of November with tremendous success. Thanks to those who did turn up although you did not RSVP. We will be holding our induction for members. This event is also open to members of meetup.com. Do note that not all our attendees are members of meetup.com, so the number of attendess for our event on the 18th does not reflect the actual attendance.
What networkers for our last event said;
' I've never seen a structure that attempts to bridge the sales cycle so fast'
' An interesting initiative to improve business networking'
Attendees who are interested in this event can expect to introduce your business/trade to our members and exchange contacts. You will be welcomed with open arms. Remember we are relationship-centric networking organisation.You may even get a few referrals.
The details of this 25th November Evening event are as follows :
Date :25th November
Location : Hans Cafe @ Great Eastern Building
Time : 7pm
Agenda :
7 - 7.20pm : Registration and Open Networking
7.20 - 8pm : Individual business presentation
8 - 8.30pm : Contacts exchange exercise
Attendance is FREE but please do follow the procedure below if you are interested in attending this event :
- RSVP this event
- email your name, contact, trade to [masked] to reserve your place. This is to ensure that not more than 2 people of your trade are attending our meeting.
This event is primarily for committed networkers who want to improve their business and increase their sphere of influence
Visit us at www.bro.com.sg for more info.