i feel that some singaporeans think that the levy is like a help from the government to deter them from entering the casino. yes this is true. but wouldn't new gamblers be more dependent on the government to curb their urge to gamble ? if they isn't a casino levy of $100, would the new gamblers be able to control themselves and act responsibly. I feel that singaporeans become more and more dependent one their government to provide welfare for them. I myself have an uncle who is now more self controlled and is usually turned off by the levy. but he also said that if werent for the levy, he would have entered the casino to gamble. this is become a serious problems from being too pampered from the government also in other areas such as education and many other subsidies that the government provide us with. please state your views
i think every singaporean should be allowed to go in 1 or 2 times every yr for free.....