The vast Manila North Cemetery stretches across 100 acres in the packed city of Manila. But this cemetery isn't a scene of peaceful serenity, so much as bursting with life, the smells of cooking, and children running underfoot.
That's because the cemetery has been home to an ever increasing population of living residents for over 70 years. Currently home to a population of more than 10,000 Filipinos, in between the headstones and crypts one finds food carts, kids playing dice atop a 150 year old grave, and businesses run from inside a family mausoleum.
Originally home to poor caretakers, who began living there year round, the population grew as poor people who could no longer afford their rent moved into their family crypts, often sharing space with the deceased remains of parents and grandparents. The cemetery has been home to poor Filipinos for long enough that there are 60-year-olds who were born, and have lived their entire lives, in the cemetery.
The cemetery is a thriving hidden city, where the residents form a sort of symbiotic relationship with the dead. To make money, children carry coffins (also said to bring them good luck) for 50 cents, and collect scrap metal, while their parents work to clean the crypts of the wealthier areas, work security, or dig graves. They often run local businesses from within their mausoleums/crypts. Nonetheless, the cemetery is no easy place to live, lacking hot water, electricity, and any kind of functional sewage system.
Recently, there have been complaints from both residents and visitors that a bad element has moved in, such as thieves and drug addicts who are robbing the graves. In 2007 the Mayor threatened to evict the entire neighborhood.
One group that does regularly get evicted is the dead. If you aren't wealthy enough to have your own space you are buried at the edge of the cemetery and dug up after five years and your bones are stacked in charnel houses. This also happens to anyone who can't afford their familiy's mausoleum rent. However in doing so it also makes room for new comers, be they living, dead, or a mix.
by Atur Chatur
Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur, Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur |
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Friends, There are some Divorce L@wyers active on internet. They have also spread their commission agents on the internet. They will meet you in the name of true fighters fighting their cases & then they will refer you to some l@wyer of your state/city of residence. They will pretend that they came to know about those through genuine contacts but in reality their commission will be fixed.
I still feel there is NO harm if they refer you to some genuine guy who will feel the pain for you. But in reality, it is the starting of the process to:-
(1) milk you i.e., to delay your cases & keep you in the mess (& many people even blamed that they connived with opp party [OP])
(2) put your case at such a level that it is difficult to recover
(3) not to allow you or guide you to use RTI, Perjury & CrPC 91 & 21B related tools which can help you get out of this mess sooner.
(4) break your families by encouraging you to file divorce or agree to divorce if filed by OP.
(5) force you or under extreme pressure to get you to sign the MOU of divorce for which you & spouse & cldren & all related repent throughout the life.
Atur Chatur feels that cases must be fought with RTI, Perjury, CrPC 91, 21B, TEP, Order XI Rule 1, CPC 89 & related powerful tools & then the final goal must be to unite the families (assuming love existed ever or cldren involved)
But Divorce Lawyers will show you cost-benefit analysis by saying see your 6-8 years will be wasted & so much will be lost in lawyers fees & still you will have to pay this much that much so why NOT give divorce now. Such Divorce Specialists (Home Breakers) will NEVER let you understand the power of 21B (Spedy Trial) through which the cases can be finished within just 3 to 6 months only. Instead they get dates from judge at 4-4 months interval & milk you (use you like their personal ATM's) & then bring you under DURESS/ Mental Stress so that you agree/ succumb to demand of OP. Many people blamed that their lawyers connived with OP & made their cases weak.
Here comes the need for PIP - Party-in-Person so that you can fight your cases yourself. Even if you use any lawyer then the role of that lawyer must be restricted to drafting work & /or working at your instructions only.
Aturchatur advise:-
Whether you are poor, middle class, ultra rich, service class, business class, entrepreneur, vela man or super busy, NRI or foreign settled Indians PIP suits you all because PIP doesn't means a bhookha-nanga tactics. PIP means giving directions to your lawyer (any locally available/ inexpensive lawyer having some drafting experience. that's it !!!)
Never give your case papers to your lawyer.
Never assume any lawyer to be a karta-dharta of court.
Never get misguided if he says that he has connections with the judge because he will simply ask 2 lakhs to 20 lakhs from you in the name of connections with the judge & instead he will himself fight your case on law points & get quash done & when done you will be so over-whelmed that you will praise that lawyer & recommend others. On the other hand, if you lost, he will say some bahana bla bla & tell you to file SLP in Supreme Court.
These are the dirty tactics adopted by them.
Almost all such lawyers will put fear in you in the name of strict rooster at High Court so NO quashing going on these days bla bla. But the fact is, DARR KA MATLAB PAISA (FEAR MEANS MONEY). For Instance:- If you are NOT fearful, will u pay them money. NOPE !!!
Friends, you all need to come out of this SOCIAL STIGMA !!!
which hit you first when your wife left home with/out your loved ones
& then another SOCIAL STIGMA hits you when such people meet you & what I call
SOCIAL STIGMA (Lawyers & Commission Agents) !!!
Atur Chatur (pen name) himself is NOT a lawyer. He is ex-lecturer Hans Raj College University of Delhi. He had been associated with ETHICS at University of Delhi during his tenure. When he was himself hit by 498a, DVC, Divorce, CAW etc he was NOT/NEVER in shock as he believed that ETHICS are there but due to some malpractices at CAW he filed case on dirty cops NWD & case is pending at Rohini Courts & for past approx one year dirty cops have NEVER appeared in front of Atur Chatur due to the Contempt of Court Hints given by Atur Chatur & also due to their own connivance & Contempt. Surprisingly, the dirty cops are in such a dilemna that even after Atur Chatur filed CrPC 91 against Police Authorities then first Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Rohini Courts turned back Atur Chatur citing CrPC 91 does NOT work from complainant side, then, Atur Chatur argued vehemently that YES it is allowed against the police authorities based on certain citations & rules, but then he was turned back again that CrPC 91 can't be ordered during investigation (the dirty cops play this dirty trick often to NOT present the Charge Sheet (CS) for 2-3 years whereas the rule is to present CS in 90 days & by the time parties settle among themselves & their family (GHONSLA) is broken), but Atur Chatur argued on some fundamental rights citing name of a terrorist that even a terrorist like XYZ was NOT denied this info & that this info is my basic right. Now, Hon'ble & Ld MM understood my all the points were within the law & legal framework & allowed my CrPC 91 against the Dirty Cops. I am thankful to him that he gave due significance to the law points presented by me PIP (Party-in-Person) without any lawyer. From drafting to application to fighting my case against dirty cops I did everything all alone & the result is that for past approx one year the dirty cops are NOT attending (NOT EVEN ONCE) even after order by Ld MM multiple times. This is yet another contempt.
My WIFEY filed Divorce & I gave a lengthy WS (Written Statement) including Perjury Application, Order VII Rule 11 Application, Order X Application (total approx 400 pages)
I did all my drafting myself taking some tits-bits helps from few sources. The result was that my OP lives very near to Rohini Courts & has multiple vehicles but still since approx one year of filing Divorce OP has NOT faced me even once. Their lawyer of course appeared at few instance.
My WIFEY also filed DVC Plaint but since I filed Perjury in Divorce already hence on first date of DV neither OP nor their lawyer came. To my utmost humour, on next date they sent a proxy lawyer (They were NOT courageous to face me themselves or thru their lawyer because they knew that I am an avid learner of Perjury & my friends I must tell you that if OP & her lawyer speak different views/ reverse views then perjury applies here also[I can provide judgment if any1 needs]. Now, since in all dates of DVC Plaint by her I myelf attended alone hence do you guys think I need to fear from that judgment.) Approx one year of DVC & I am appearing PIP on all dates till date & OP & their real lawyer NOT yet appeared once. WHY?? Because they knew that a stronger PERJURY is awaiting them here & if Perjury in DVC Court is also filed & then it is read with Perjury Application filed in Divorce (Family) Court then this becomes a strongest of perjury case against her.
In my case, I am relying on CONTEMPT & PERJURY basically besides TEP, CrPC 91, RTI & Other tools which I used PIP.
However, for you guys I already suggested some winning tools above. Let me summarize & repeat here for convenience et al viz., RTI, Perjury, CrPC 91, 21B, TEP, Order XI Rule 1, CPC 89 & related powerful tools & then the final goal must be to unite the families (assuming love existed ever or cldren involved)
Beware of Divorce Lawyers.
Even if you want to divorce her, then also stay away from such lawyers & go PIP.
My various threads will come here for PIP tactics & you all guys can see how PIP suits even those who have a very busy schedule & have a lot of money for lawyers.
PIP means Compromise at your terms.
Atur Chatur is available for PAID CONSULTATION & at below email you guys can contact me if you need one-to-one consultation regarding fighting tactics. However, if you have a lot of time, then keep reading my various posts & I ASSURE TO POST EACH & EVERY BIT OF KNOWLEDGE I HAVE. because being from a teaching profession I believe in spreading knowledge because the more you spread the more you gain. (JAI MAA SARASWATI)
Atur Chatur provides consultancy at a fees.
Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chatur, Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Atur