Submitted by farhan on Fri, 25/12/2015 - 10:03am

Submitted by farhan on Fri, 25/12/2015 - 10:03am
To the editor,
I wish to let people know of the very poor customer services of UOB City
Plaza and would further like you to know that this would not have happened if
the government had allowed more foreigners who stand ready to come in and
fill the many vacancies in this land.
I took a number (9115) to remit money to Manila for my family to have a good
Christmas at 1pm this past Tuesday and was very annoyed when it came to my
turn nearly 4pm. I was then told they were unable to do any transfers because
it was after 3pm. Well, it was not my fault as I had come early but the bank
just could not manage the volume of people there.
My suggestion to the Singapore government is to open separate foreign
counters mended directly by us, to serve only us given the large number of
invited foreigner workers in this country. Lets face facts, Singapore
government and citizens know their situation in this tiny red dot and their
only means of survival is by allowing us here so we in turn expect to be
treated better for this country cannot survive without our presence, much
like when it needed the British those days.
Mercado Reyes
A.S.S. Contributor
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who the fuck is this guy?
perhaps he should his pinoy national bank to open a branch in singapore just for his countrymen to transfer money.
actually, tts a good idea
we dont need queue so long
Just 1 queue for foreigners, the rest of the number of queue for locals.
Originally posted by lce:who the fuck is this guy?
perhaps he should his pinoy national bank to open a branch in singapore just for his countrymen to transfer money.
Of the people from this country, only meet those humble and pleasant ones working as domestic helpers, the rest mostly nasty and refuse to integrate with locals.
Don' t think their pinoy bank interested to open here.
Originally posted by minx:Of the people from this country, only meet those humble and pleasant ones working as domestic helpers, the rest mostly nasty and refuse to integrate with locals.
Don' t think their pinoy bank interested to open here.
Pinoy banks cannot tahan the expensive Sg costs lah.