Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:Harry Lee Kuan Yew worked for Japanese in WWII.
No lah ur history fail isit...LKY escaped from the Sook Ching operation and didn't work for the jap u dumb.
Originally posted by Edd1:No lah ur history fail isit...LKY escaped from the Sook Ching operation and didn't work for the jap u dumb.
Dumb? You then failed. It is in history.
Originally posted by Edd1:No lah ur history fail isit...LKY escaped from the Sook Ching operation and didn't work for the jap u dumb.
Harry Lee Kuan Yew is hakka peranakan.
He is not chinese.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:Harry Lee Kuan Yew is hakka peranakan.
He is not chinese.
But he is involved in the sook ching operation thats the truth.The jap thinks that he is a chinese so thats why he also kena caught and he once got slapped by the jap soldiers. :O
before he say this word, lky should sent all prc in china back 1st
cannot, we must welcome foreigner talents here. isn;t this the battle hyms we have been singing and forced to sing all along? mao come here to work, to advance his career, with legal papers and IDs. why cannot....orh i see he come here to go into politics, challenge people ricebowl, golden ricebowl that's why. now know how it feels, to reap the seeds you sow.
Originally posted by SevenEleven:i concur, there's always two side to a coin but it still doesn't warrant anyone to tell anyone who holds a Singapore citizenship to leave. I may dislike the so call PRC "prostitute" who was given the citizenship but nevertheless, she is still Singaporean if she still wants to be eventhough I think that the system flawed.
well, let's take a look at what LKY has actually said in the text eh ? ..... to be fair, I think his words have been taken out of context.
In anycase, there is an important distinction, there is nothing wrong with a foreign chicken, or chen show mao for that matter, to want to come in here and sink roots, even though, as you've put it, the system is flawed.
If he were an ordinary chap, much less a PAP candidate, who got his citizenship and disappeared for 30 years, would you not be resentful that he's ironically, still able to get his growth dividends as well ? I'd much rather this money be given to other needier citizens here, in the country, whether foreign or native born, than to someone like him.
As I have said once again, my ah tiong friend disappeared right after serving NS too ... And if chen show mao's actually maintained an address here, like he's shown on CNA, then wouldn't he have been a party to driving up property prices in singapore as well ? ... how often have we railed again people who bought and invested in places here while disappearing overseas, driving up property prices ? I shall note also, though with a caveat that the source was from other forums, that Chen Show Mao's children, are not registered as Singapore Citizens. So he actually say, that his roots was here, again ? .........
Would you actually want someone like him, to waltz in after 30 years, with the foreign accent still thick, with his family still holding foreign passports to come in and be your political representative in parliament ?
I think Harry Lee Kuan Yew is jealous of Chen Show Mao.
Chen Show Mao can speak good mandarin and english, while Lee Kuan Yew only knows english since he is an anglo dog and reared by british.
both are no better. get dogs to bite one another. if mao is not good, i can also vote him out easily. but we need one bastard to bite another bastard, use his own weapon against himself first beofre achieving the cause. hmm good tactic low using. so he can feel a taste of his own medicine.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:both are no better. get dogs to bite one another. if mao is not good, i can also vote him out easily. but we need one bastard to bite another bastard, use his own weapon against himself first beofre achieving the cause. hmm good tactic low using. so he can feel a taste of his own medicine.
i agree
it takes a thief to catch a thief
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:I think Harry Lee Kuan Yew is jealous of Chen Show Mao.
Chen Show Mao can speak good mandarin and english, while Lee Kuan Yew only knows english since he is an anglo dog and reared by british.
I know its 5 days away, can see you going into overdrive.
Whatever, PAP will still win. The difference is their percentage of winning. Though I don't like see them win. We will have to pay more to keep up with their increasing of their own world class salary. It is a sad state of affairs in Singapore.
that is why we still cannot give up hope. rememebr if this election no oppos win, it will be an all out full power for the lightning team. unstoppable. sgreans should think about migrating where they can, or stop the bloodline now and forever. in years to come sgreans will lose its roots and native flair. we are just so vulnerable and fragile. but if we can have a few GRCs and SMCs won by hippos, we still have a chance to gain that 29 sits come next election, and ensure every election the people can vote.
instead of so free talking rubbish on the newspaper why don't he channel some of the enegry to help the TG resident and the old folk. where are the two cock-tail guys and the announcment of the walk over.
If that is the case, then we must vote in Chen Show Mao into parliament so that he can bite Harry Lee Kuan Yew.
Set them both against each other and we can reap the rewards, like how the british supported Hitler against the Soviets and want to set them against one another.
This is call "sitting on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight."
Question: Some people do not realize yet that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty is the result of the breakdown of the Anglo-French-Soviet talks, but think that the Soviet-German treaty caused the breakdown. Will you please explain why the Anglo-French-Soviet talks failed?
Mao Zedong: The talks failed purely because the British and French governments were insincere. In recent years the reactionary international bourgeoisie, and primarily that of Britain and France, have consistently pursued the reactionary policy of "non-intervention" towards aggression by fascist Germany, Italy and Japan.
Their purpose is to connive at wars of aggression and to profit by them. Thus Britain and France flatly rejected the Soviet Union's repeated proposals for a genuine front against aggression; standing on the side-lines, they took a "non-interventionist" position and connived at German, Italian and Japanese aggression. Their aim was to step forward and intervene when the belligerents had worn each other out. In pursuit of this reactionary policy they sacrificed half of China to Japan, and the whole of Abyssinia, Spain, Austria and Czechoslovakia to Italy and Germany.
Then they wanted to sacrifice the Soviet Union.
This plot was clearly revealed in the recent Anglo-French-Soviet talks. They lasted for more than four months, from April 15 to August 23, during which the Soviet Union exercised the utmost patience.
But, from start to finish, Britain and France rejected the principle of equality and reciprocity; they demanded that the Soviet Union provide safeguards for their security, but refused to do likewise for the Soviet Union and the small Baltic states, so as to leave a gap through which Germany could attack, and they also refused to allow the passage of Soviet troops through Poland to fight the aggressor.
That is why the talks broke down. In the meantime, Germany indicated her willingness to stop her activities against the Soviet Union and abandon the so-called Agreement Against the Communist International and recognized the inviolability of the Soviet frontiers; hence the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty. The policy of "non-intervention" pursued by international and primarily Anglo-French reaction is a policy of "sitting on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight", a downright imperialist policy of profiting at others' expense.
This policy was initiated when Chamberlain took office, reached its climax in the Munich agreement of September last year and finally collapsed in the recent Anglo-French-Soviet talks. From now on the situation will inevitably develop into one of direct conflict between the two big imperialist blocs, the Anglo-French bloc and the German-Italian bloc. As I said in October 1938 at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of our Party, "The inevitable result of Chamberlain's policy will be like 'lifting a rock only to drop it on one's own toes'."
Chamberlain started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. This is the law of development which governs all reactionary policies.
Chamberlain started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. This is the law of development which governs all reactionary policies.
This event of March 1936, by which Hitler remilitarized the Rhineland, was the most crucial event in the whole history of appeasement.
So long as the territory west of the Rhine and a strip fifty kilometers wide on the east bank of the river were demilitarized, as provided in the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pacts, Hitler would never have dared to move against Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
He would not have dared because, with western Germany unfortified and denuded of German soldiers, France could have easily driven into the Ruhr industrial area and crippled Germany so that it would be impossible to go eastward.
And by this date, certain members of the Milner Group and of the British Conservative government had reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany and Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.
In this way they felt that the two enemies would stalemate one another, or that Germany would become satisfied with the oil of Rumania and the wheat of the Ukraine.
It never occurred to anyone in a responsible position that Germany and Russia might make common cause, even temporarily, against the West. Even less did it occur to them that Russia might beat Germany and thus open all Central Europe to Bolshevism.
In order to carry out this plan of allowing Germany to drive eastward against Russia, it was necessary to do three things:
(1) to liquidate all the countries standing between Germany and Russia;
(2) to prevent France from honoring her alliances with these countries; and
(3) to hoodwink the English people into accepting this as a necessary, indeed, the only solution to the international problem.
The Chamberlain group were so successful in all three of these things that they came within an ace of succeeding, and failed only because of the obstinacy of the Poles, the unseemly haste of Hitler, and the fact that at the eleventh hour the Milner Group realized the implications of their policy and tried to reverse it...
Originally posted by Fatum:well, let's take a look at what LKY has actually said in the text eh ? ..... to be fair, I think his words have been taken out of context.
In anycase, there is an important distinction, there is nothing wrong with a foreign chicken, or chen show mao for that matter, to want to come in here and sink roots, even though, as you've put it, the system is flawed.
If he were an ordinary chap, much less a PAP candidate, who got his citizenship and disappeared for 30 years, would you not be resentful that he's ironically, still able to get his growth dividends as well ? I'd much rather this money be given to other needier citizens here, in the country, whether foreign or native born, than to someone like him.
As I have said once again, my ah tiong friend disappeared right after serving NS too ... And if chen show mao's actually maintained an address here, like he's shown on CNA, then wouldn't he have been a party to driving up property prices in singapore as well ? ... how often have we railed again people who bought and invested in places here while disappearing overseas, driving up property prices ? I shall note also, though with a caveat that the source was from other forums, that Chen Show Mao's children, are not registered as Singapore Citizens. So he actually say, that his roots was here, again ? .........
Would you actually want someone like him, to waltz in after 30 years, with the foreign accent still thick, with his family still holding foreign passports to come in and be your political representative in parliament ?
Once a Singaporean, always a Singaporean.
Making contributions to the Singapore economy by venturing overseas, isn't that the call of the PAP Ministers?
When somebody goes to work or study overseas and returns to make contributions to Singapore, we should not turn them away.
Maybe the PAP government should bar entry to those who study overseas or work overseas?
It's strange, we welcome foreign talents with open arms, but turn away Singaporean talents who have gained multitude of experience working overseas.
actually if u guys think, what have he got when he wanna come back n stand in as WP candidate for GE 2011?
for money? or for fame?
if hes coming back for the 14k per month salary, he being a top corporate lawyer, i believe can earn more than this amt.
if hes coming back for fame.... i dont think he need more fame than he have nw...
Even Lao Lee is xenophobic. Pappies still dare to say Singaporeans not embracing the FTs. WTF knn siah.
I've read somewhere that chen show mao comes back to singapore a few times a year to vist his parents. They're taiwanese but have been domiciled in sg for the past 30 years. They're both singaporeans now. Also read that he served as an officer in his NS years. NS those days in the 70s is no joke compared to the welfare mentality of today's SAF.
There are many singaporeans who have left the shores to seek greener pastures in terms of career prospects and also to gain an international perspective but have always kept in touch with Singaporean affairs. I believe Chen is one of them. He has my support.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:Harry Lee Kuan Yew is hakka peranakan.
He is not chinese.
What you said is very offensive.
Please do not repeat such provocative and divisive remarks.
In fact this guy was declared the "Dealmaker of the Year" in America's top law magazine, the American Lawyer. LKY's son is peanuts in comparison.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:
get the facts right. our forefathers werre not foriegners. they cam from a foreign land, they worked and fought in world war 2. they went through the tumoil before sgpore gain independence - to be a country a nation. no the forein talents and foreign workers. they cam from where there is a country with a nationality already - to another contry to work, we pitied thema dn grant them the title foreign talents. so please don'y degrade our forfatehrs as foreign talents. our ancestrs were fathers and mothers of singapore. they were no less holier and respectable than mentoes mentoes.
"our forefathers werre not foriegners. they cam from a foreign land"
? from outer space?
Originally posted by Veggie Bao:What you said is very offensive.
Please do not repeat such provocative and divisive remarks.
Why is it offensive?
I am stating facts.
Like I am Hokkien chinese.
I am not ang moh.
Harry Lee Kuan Yew is hakka peranakan.
He is not chinese.
These are simply facts.
03:28:21 | ![]() |
I have this thought that Peranakans are Malay (Muslims). I figured they were one of the different sub-divisions of Malay, for example, Javanese, Boyanese, Bugis, etc. I was surprised to find out that they are not Malay and neither were they Muslims. Peranakans consists of Malacca Peranakans, Chitty Melaka Peranakans, Chinese Peranakans, Hokkien Peranakans, Malacca Penang Peranakans, Chinese Eurasian Peranakans, Jawi Peranakans, Hakka Peranakans, Teochew Baba, West Sumatran Javanese Peranakans. The word "anak" from Peranakans mean child in Malay language. I'm wondering why is it the Peranakans are nothing like the Malays. I went to the Museum for an insight about the Peranakan beliefs and immerse myself into their culture. The Peranakans are also known as "Baba" or "Nyonya". This was how I found out that Peranakans were made up diverse mix of culture. The thing that is significant about the Peranakans were their abiltiy to converse in Malay language. But their cultures, religious beliefs and practices were very much like the chinese. From the wedding to the dining, funeral, religion, work of art, decor, etc. Oh, their food are really spicy, just like the Malays. The "belacan" (dried shrimp paste) can be made into "kangkung belacan" originated from the peranakans. One can easily spot authentic Nyonya food in Malaysia by its cooking, Nyonya Laksa, Nyonya Chicken Curry, Nyonya Prawn Sambal or Nyonya Fried Rice. Nyonya food is in a unique gastronomic realm all of it's own - with specific and subtle nuances of tastes and flavors. Find out, more: Nyonya Food Nyonya cuisine is also famous for it's Kuih [cake or dessert]. Nyonya desserts are varied and extraordinary. They are strongly Malay influenced - made from local ingredients such as sweet potato, yams, agar agar, gula Melaka [palm sugar], coconut milk, glutinous rice - and Chinese ingredients such as red beans, green beans or mung beans. The ubiquitous vanilla bean used for essence is replaced by a local plant leaf Pandan or Pandanus [Screwpine leaves], giving Nyonya desserts it's signature quintessence! This is where all the delicious food come from. ![]() Their clothings are very much like what the Malays will wear on "Hari Raya". If I had a choice I would like to bring back this shoe. It's so vintage! I love this phone, I will get one of this when I move to my new home! I was hearing a conversation made by a peranakan. She was speaking in both Malay and English. She was calling her son who is in london and wants him to come home as his father is in critical condition. She felt that her son lost touch to the culture, beliefs and practices of a Peranakan, so she reminded him of home and the people he left behind to fulfill his qualifications in London. My excursion will not end, without visiting the gallery shops selling Peranakan clothings and souvenirs. I got myself an ear studs. Not too sure if it is Peranakan-made, but I would like to believe that it is. I love it. |