Recent studies and survey done by ENT (ear, nose, throat) surgeons and doctors society shows that for the age group of 30-65 years old Singaporean who snores have increase by 15% year on year!!
Now up to 50% of our adult population SNORES! This is a very surprisingly high percentage. Although many snorers do not think it is a problem whether – medical or social! If you are amongst them – READ ON.
Snoring is one of the key symptoms of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea). It is a medical problem. OSA is associated with sleep disruption with the person waking up many times in during sleep. This will result in low quality of sleep which will in turn causes 2 issues:
- Sleepiness
- Hypertension
- Moodiness
- Headache
- Depression
Bad cases will result in:
- High Blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Strokes
Does tiredness causes SNORING?
Tiredness which should be more accurately defined here as “sleep deprivation” causes your body to “catch up on sleep” thus immerse the person into more deep sleep pattern throughout the night and therefore SNORING can occur.
Asian is more likely to snore?
Due to our facial structure, smaller jaw and shorter skull base – YES!
How about kids?
It is a PROBLEM when your kids snore, it is not normal! So please seek advice. Symptoms of OSA in kids:
- Sleeping restlessly
- Sweating during sleep
- Bed wetting
- Hyperactive (ADD)
- Poor attention span
Surgery should be the LAST RESORT. (Irreversible! NOT 100%! Expensive! Scary! Painful aftermath!)
There are many OTC natural products that are safe, effective and fast remedy for primary snorer. Select a nasal spray product that are better suited to see results.
Snoring is a loud, hoarse, or harsh breathing sound that occurs during sleep. Snoring is common in adults and is not necessarily a sign of an underlying disorder. Snoring is an important social problem. Persons who share a bed with someone who snores can develop sleep difficulties. Do you?
Sometimes, however, snoring can be a sign of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This means you have periods when you are not breathing for more than 10 seconds while you sleep. The episode is followed by a sudden snort or gasp when breathing resumes. Then, snoring starts all over again. If you have sleep apnea, this cycle generally happens several times a night. Sleep apnea is not as common as snoring. A doctor (or a sleep specialist) can tell if you have sleep apnea by doing a sleep study either at home or in a hospital setting.
Common Causes
In most people, the reason for snoring is not known. Some potential causes (other than sleep apnea) include:
· Being overweight, which leads to excessive neck tissue that puts pressure on the airways
· Last month of pregnancy
· Nasal congestion from colds or allergies, especially if it lasts a long time
· Swelling of the muscular part of the roof of the mouth (soft palate) or uvula, the piece of tissue that hangs down in the back of the mouth
· Swollen adenoids and tonsils that block the airways
· Use of sleeping pills, antihistamines, or alcohol at bedtime
Home Care
The following tips can help reduce snoring:
· Avoid alcohol and other sedatives at bedtime.
· Don't sleep flat on your back. Sleep on your side, if possible. Some doctors even suggest sewing a golf or tennis ball into the back of your night clothes. This causes discomfort if you roll over and helps reminds you to stay on your side. Eventually, sleeping on your side becomes a habit and you don't need to be reminded.
· Lose weight, if you are overweight.
· Try over-the-counter, drug-free nasal remedy that help widen the nostrils. Natural remedy such as homeopathic cure are also recommended. (These are not intended as treatments for sleep apnea.)
Call your health care provider
Talk to your doctor if you have:
· Excessive daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, recent weight gain, awakening in the morning not feeling rested, or change in your level of attention, concentration, or memory
· Episodes of no breathing (apnea) -- your partner may need to tell you if this is happening
Children with chronic snoring should also be evaluated for apnea. Sleep apnea in children has been linked to growth problems, ADHD, poor school performance, learning difficulties, bedwetting, and high blood pressure. Most children who snore do NOT have apnea, but a sleep study is the only reliable way to tell for sure.
Ask yourself
Questions may include the following (some of which your partner might have to answer):
· Is your snoring loud?
· Does it occur no matter what position you are lying in or only in certain positions?
· Does your own snoring ever wake you up?
· How often do you snore? Every night?
· Is your snoring persistent during the night?
· Are there episodes when you are not breathing?
· Do you have other symptoms like daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, insomnia, or memory loss?
Share your experience that will help others.