I am one of the victim to this Glitterati Marketing.... after signing the package, they did not delivered as promised.
I would encourage victims like me, to report your case to CASE TRUST.
I believe there would be many victims like me, just sit in silent, just to save your time & energy. We should not let this kind of company continue to create more victims....
Pls publish your experience to stop their acts.......... many thanks
I also signed but they did not deliver as promised.
Don't be duped by their acts. They will really entice you to get you to sign up. But what they promised is inconsistent when you are trying to avail their service.
@Summonli, how is the status of your case with CASE TRUST?
Hey Simononli and Surfer1041 what is it they promised but did not delivered? Oh dear I also just signed up. So I don't know if they are really that bad please share with me your experience I should be using their service tomorrow.
check this link: http://travel.singaporetravelportal.com/travelforum/forumdisplay.php?f=17
my experience is similar and very disappointing.
clones in action to flame ppl?
Hi Surfer1041,
Did you report to CASE and was anything done so far?
Hi, all.
Let me tell you that this is not the only company doing it. Beware, their mode of operation is the same. To answer llchong's question, they will promise you high discounts during the presentation. Later when you want to use the service they offer you what you can get at any tour agency. Example, in my case I was told that I could get about 50% off a cruise. They even showed me the brochure. Later they say up to 50%. Meaning 1 - 50%. They use terms loosely. My scammers are from Nee Ann City tower B. Smith & Baron.
Hi all
I also signed up. I have a letter from them to say that if we are unhappy with their services after the first trip, we can ask for 100% refund; or get back 80% of what we pay after 2 years. Are these the same terms you all have ?
IIChong - have u done anything so far ?
Simononli and Surfer1041, I echo IIchong question : what is it they promised but did not delivered? Please enlighten and share lah.
By the way, I am curious - what was the lowest amount paid ? S$2400 for 10 years ?
I want to know if there are others who are in the same situation as me. "Misrepresentation". They do not offer what they had promised in the presentation. Address is 14-07, Tower B, Ngee Ann City. Smiths & Baron Pte Ltd. If any of you is called to go there for a 90 presentation. Don't! Unless you want to end up paying for a service that you can get from any tour agent for free.
I agree. Do beware of such companies. Remember nothing comes free. Esp if it comes fm sm "unknown companies".
Was almost conned to sign up with Glitterati Marketing Consultancy Group by the sales Person AC and his Manage. But I sticked firm to my decision, bec gt no $, hw to buy rite?
So to bait me to sign up with them, they offered me a complimentary free 2 nites stay in either KL/Batam. The criteria was I need to indicate the date I am travelling and also fax the form over to them. I promptly fax the form and indicated an off peak date, non school holidays. There was absolutely no confirmation given for > month. I then receive a reply that the hotels are fully booked,
Didn't bother to sent them email to enquire further. As I am more or less confirmed that It is a scam.
HI Kena Scam - did u sign up ? What are you going to do about it ? I am thinking of asking them (GMC - Glitterati) or a refund failing which, I will ask CASE for help ...
any one have any advice - would appreciate to hear from you. thanks
hi all
I would like to consolidate and get us all in an email grouping so that we can discuss the best way to get back some if not all of our money. Please feel free to email to me - and I will keep updating the list as more "victims" join us and we can decide what we can do ?
my email is mindeye33@gmail.com
Hi mindeye,
case has sent them the second letter. I am waiting and seeing how. Will feedback if got any info
"Oh dear I also just signed up. So I don't know if they are really that bad please share with me your experience I should be using their service tomorrow."
Hey llchong,so you used their service,and how was it? I just signed up too before I realised while seeing this thread that Glitteratti may be a scam.
Which consultant persuaded you to sign the package? Also did you notice, that most of the staff are malays?
Which consultant persuaded you to sign the package? Also did you notice, that most of the staff are malays?
U can still cancle the contract. U still have time. 3 working days not counting Sat and Sun.
I signed up since Apr 2008, $7500 for 15 years. I have paid in installment about $2000 but have not used their services. I was told that I can only use after paying half the amt which I intend to do end of this year. has any body signed up and managed to use their services?
Hi, i ve also just sign up for Smiths & Baron..
Ive sent them the Notice of Cancellation and they replied me saying that they are not a timeshare co.
Anyone gt advice that i can cancel the membership and get back my deposit?
Bahterasy, you paid $2000 and cannot even start to use their "services" ? which company is this ? GMC or Smith ? you might want to check your contract - did you know about this requirement before you signed up ?
Hi KenaScam, chances are, they don't care ... if they dont even bother to reply. You might want to think what you want to do next, for me, I wont wait too long, CASE have sent the first letter - will see how it goes. Good luck to all of us!
Hi to all, the salespeople in GMC are very good in enticing you to sign-up, but once you have tried booking, you'll end up frustrated as the services are not as promised. This has been my experience and from what I gathered as experiences of others in several forums. For those who have recently signed, I believe there's something in the contract that says you can cancel it during the cooling off period of 5 days. I guess this wasn't explained by them during their sales pitch. I only got to know it after some time too.
If you want to cancel the membership, go to the Small Claims Tribunal if they ignore your CASE letter. Pls bring all supporting documents when you try to put up a claim at SCT.
I hope the Singapore government will stop these kinds of companies to proliferate. It is quite appalling that these companies dare to operate in this country.
Got Reply from Smiths & Baron's Director. He said that I was vague in saying that the discounts were insignificant and deny breaching CPFTA. They promised me 55% discount and then give me 10%. So CASE ask me to send them the details and I did. Waiting again. Most likely will try Small Claims and see what my choices are.
For Bahterasy,
if you are in their in-house installement scheme then you will only be able to use their services after you have paid all. Then when you try and use their services then you will notice that it is a waste as the discounts offered can get from any tour agency.
If yours is through the banks installment scheme, like visa. Then the full amount has been paid to them. U can use it instantly.
I am sure there are others like us. And I think we need to stop them. Now they are hiding under the CPFTA. It should be made as a criminal crime. That way they will not just change company name or disguise their "crime" and start all over again.
Hi KenaScam
Sorry to hear your update - good luck to you!
I dont understand what you mean when you say they are "hiding under the CPFTA.". Shouldn't the CPFTA protect us ? or at least be fair ?
Hi Summonli, Surfer1401, IIChong, GYC
- do you have any updates / successes ? Please share with all. For me, I am waiting for their reply to my CASE letter. If there's a pattern to how they treat us individually, we should think if there's anything we can do collectively for ourselves legally too.
HI Surfer 1401,
"For those who have recently signed, I believe there's something in the contract that says you can cancel it during the cooling off period of 5 days. I guess this wasn't explained by them during their sales pitch. I only got to know it after some time too." - I checked my contract but there isn't this line - but under clause #9, there is a line that say no cancellation whatsoever - which maybe a unfair clause even if it is in the contract.
"If you want to cancel the membership, go to the Small Claims Tribunal if they ignore your CASE letter. Pls bring all supporting documents when you try to put up a claim at SCT." >>> have u done that ? please share the outcome - there would be my next step too. Thanks
Good luck to all of us!