Hello i'am Ryan , student of business administration program majoring marketing in the University of Brawijaya, Indonesia. i'am newbee in here, but i really need your help guys. I need your help to fill my questionnaire as prerequirement to finish my final test in my University. I'am so thankful for your valuable assistance in making the research a succes.
This is the link, i hope you can help me, thank you
Sincerely Yours
Ryan Fahmi (ryanfahmi351@gmail.com)
Girl or boy, man, or woman, everyone can fill this questionnaire
Originally posted by Ngoccuong9xhb:girlsome
please fill my survey.... thank you
Would you do my survey at https://goo.gl/forms/ivvDZZ5aDhlarx0H3â� â� â� â� ?