A UN FAO 2006 report: Animal products contribute more to global warming than all land vehicles, ships and airplanes on the planet combined.
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Table of contents
Part I [253 Kb]
Preface Acknowledgements Executive Summary
Part II [187 Kb]
Part III [664 Kb]
02. Livestock in geographic transition2.1 Trends in livestock-related land use 2.2 Geography of demand 2.3 Geography of livestock resources 2.4 Production systems: location economics at play 2.5 Hotspots of land degradation 2.6 Conclusions
Part IV [494 Kb]
03: Livestock's role in climate change and air pollution
3.1 Issues and trends 3.2 Livestock in the carbon cycle 3.3 Livestock in the nitrogen cycle 3.4 Summary of livestock's impact 3.5 Mitigation options
Part V [490 Kb]
04: Livestock's role in water depletion and pollution
4.1 Issues and trends 4.2 Water use 4.3 Water pollution 4.4 Livestock land-use impacts on the water cycle 4.5 Summary of the impact of livestock on water 4.6 Mitigation options
Part VI [383 Kb]
05: Livestock's impact on biodiversity
5.1 Issues and trends 5.2 Dimensions of biodiversity 5.3 Livestock's role in biodiversity loss 5.4 Summary of livestock impacts on biodiveristy 5.5 Mitigation options for conservation of biodiversity
Part VII [369 Kb]
06: Policy challenges and options
6.1 Towards a conducive policy framework 6.2 Policy options for addressing environmental pressure points
Part VIII [173 Kb]
07: Summary and conclusions
7.1 Livestock and environment in context 7.2 What needs to be done? 7.3 The challenge ahead
Part IX [206 Kb]
Part X [873 Kb]
Part XI [723 Kb]
10: Annex 1 (cont'd): Global maps
Part XII [96 Kb]
Part XIII [503 Kb]
12: Annex 3: Methodology of quantification and analysis
© FAO 2006