[QUOTE]Originally posted by sotongs:
[B]If the sky is the limit what u all want in life ?
1)How much salary to earn u think is good enuff for u to live in Singapore ?
need a $$ tree, just shake the $ drop
2)How big a house u want ?
as big as national stadium
3)Do u need a car ?? If yes, how big ? What brand ?
need to be fast not big
4)What kind of life partner u think is ideal ?
5)How many children u want to hv ? If boy or girl matter, please state.
a singapore world cup team for world cup 2030
6)How long u want to live on earth ?
best if never grow old.
7)What kind of pets u would like to keep in your house ?
sotongs.. so now you know why i need a stadium.

What kind of jobs u like ?
blow job inclusive?? oii i am not going to do that...

9)Which country u would like to migrate or stay in for a while ?
if i can get wat i want in this country what for i migrate??? But if my another half wanna migrate then diffrent story lor..
10)What is your purpose in life ?
to live and die.... if alone..
to love and survive.... if my love 1 beside
[This message has been edited by mahjong (edited 12 May 2002).]
[This message has been edited by mahjong (edited 13 May 2002).]