I cant believe it!! Is the air so bad in Down Under?Why?
I never heard any one mention here.
'Fog!" the kids shout excitedly as we round the bend above Bronte. "Look at the fog!"
"That's not fog," the adult voice lobs from the front seat like the wrath of God. "See the dirty brown of it? That's pollution."
It put a pall on the conversation, I can tell you. But that pall was nothing compared with the one that lay across the ocean like a great brown cat asleep on its sequined cushion. It was 7pm Tuesday. A stinker of a day. Before dawn, the Bureau of Meteorology had warned Sydneysiders to avoid outdoor exercise for fear of breathing difficulties. In Sydney. Not Beijing. Not Seoul. Sydney.
The pollution was expected to peak at 7pm. But at Bronte, within that thick brown blanket, the water was clear and cool, the seven o'clock crowds frolicked oblivious and we with them, almost like there was no tomorrow.
Parking was at a premium because, except for the locals and the leisured few who can wait on the bus system, every one of the sweltering thousands drove there. Hence the smog.
This will be remembered as one of the great ironies of modern planning, that the system we call suburbia, whose main promise was sunshine and fresh air for all, ended up destroying those things for everyone. Even now, people - thinking people who should know better (and do, in fact, but somehow choose not to) - defend suburbia on the basis of how nice it is to wake up with birds and trees outside the window.
And it is nice. There's no denying it. I like. You like it. We all like it. And that's the point, really. Because just as one binge is fine but every weekend means you're an alkie, or one house among the gum trees is fine, but millions? Millions of suburban houses means millions of cars, millions of smog-belching passenger kilometres and millions of kids with chronic asthma and bronchitis.
And sure, these warnings happen a few times every summer. We're blase because it's invisible and the sea breezes, we think, blow it away. Off to someone else's atoll, ready for the sparkling new South Pacific day.
In fact, what happens is that the muck drifts around the Sydney basin for days or weeks, hemmed in by the higher ground and frequent temperature inversions. Each day, from about mid-morning, the land breezes waft it out to sea and there it sits, just offshore, until the afternoon sea breezes send it back, settling it over all of us but most densely on Sydney's south and west.
The upshot? Lung cancer hot spots that correlate strongly with pollution densities and CSIRO figures that show more than twice as many Australians die from air pollution as on the roads.
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have u done your home work before u decide where u are going
to settle?U are fail to be a Head of household if u have not!!
Originally posted by lionnoisy:U are fail to be a Head of household if u have not!!
You father let your mother shit you out after she blew the dog. He really should have performed a mercy killing, but I guess he was too busy blowing the dog too. Now THAT's a failure as head of household.
Originally posted by Gedanken:You father let your mother shit you out after she blew the dog. He really should have performed a mercy killing, but I guess he was too busy blowing the dog too. Now THAT's a failure as head of household.
dunt drag my parents in.
Dear MOD,are u all on leave?Pl take action.No manner.May be no family
to teach him/her,like Chinese say!!
Uh isn't the Air in Singapore sucky during the hazy periods too? If you're trying to make a comparison with Australia you're just killing yourself
Originally posted by lionnoisy:dunt drag my parents in.
Hey, I didn't have any reason to despise them till I encountered you. Obviously they didn't teach you well enough, judging by the amount of useless crap you spew all over this forum.
this is so unbelievable
lionnoisy, the australia hater is posting another crap about aussieland. Hello, govt of australia, please look out for this lionnoisy who is an enemy of your country.
Originally posted by Gedanken:Hey, I didn't have any reason to despise them till I encountered you. Obviously they didn't teach you well enough, judging by the amount of useless crap you spew all over this forum.
lionnoisy jiak pah boh sai pang, so come here badmouth and poison australia. Wonder why he hates australia so much.
OMG! ts actually thinks that the air here is crystal clean. Does he even stay here?
and the kids thought its a fog, meaning its new to them. In SG, the kids will be saying, "the haze so bad we still must go school. sian"
Originally posted by Fantagf:lionnoisy, the australia hater is posting another crap about aussieland. Hello, govt of australia, please look out for this lionnoisy who is an enemy of your country.
Sorry, here in Australia we believe in freedom of speech and expression. You are free to say all you want about the country or government without getting arrested.
Originally posted by jondizzle foshizzle:Sorry, here in Australia we believe in freedom of speech and expression. You are free to say all you want about the country or government without getting arrested.
u can do so evin in SG!!
Thanks u know wat is anti--Oz or not.
if i am anti--Oz,then how about those main stream medias of oz.
99.999% of my info come from them.
Dare u say they are also anti--oz?
Pl tell me if my info come without sources!!
Originally posted by lionnoisy:u can do so evin in SG!!
sure or not????
Originally posted by jondizzle foshizzle:Sorry, here in Australia we believe in freedom of speech and expression. You are free to say all you want about the country or government without getting arrested.
lucky you. summer in downunder now yeah??
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Thanks u know wat is anti--Oz or not.
if i am anti--Oz,then how about those main stream medias of oz.
99.999% of my info come from them.
Dare u say they are also anti--oz?
Pl tell me if my info come without sources!!
u forget to add soya sauce. u r one of the 0.0001% anti oz who alway fall into the worng source given by the main stream good oz
Originally posted by ulquiorra87:Uh isn't the Air in Singapore sucky during the hazy periods too? If you're trying to make a comparison with Australia you're just killing yourself
Yes.I know u know and he knows.Do u suprised the news report.
If not,what do u know abt Oz air or Sydney airs??
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Yes.I know u know and he knows.Do u suprised the news report.
If not,what do u know abt Oz air or Sydney airs??
i knew that from sydney to sin on airbus A380 of Singapore airline, the stewardess are not so friendly
Originally posted by asdfzhao:OMG! ts actually thinks that the air here is crystal clean. Does he even stay here?
and the kids thought its a fog, meaning its new to them. In SG, the kids will be saying, "the haze so bad we still must go school. sian"
pl read carefully--
Before dawn, the Bureau of Meteorology had warned Sydneysiders to avoid outdoor exercise for fear of breathing difficulties. In Sydney. Not Beijing. Not Seoul. Sydney.
And sure, these warnings happen a few times every summer. We're blase because it's invisible and the sea breezes, we think, blow it away. Off to someone else's atoll, ready for the sparkling new South Pacific day.
In fact, what happens is that the muck drifts around the Sydney basin for days or weeks, hemmed in by the higher ground and frequent temperature inversions. Each day, from about mid-morning, the land breezes waft it out to sea and there it sits, just offshore, until the afternoon sea breezes send it back, settling it over all of us but most densely on Sydney's south and west.
Hey study the place carefully,before u put your dream home deposit!!
There are haze areas--even in Oz,even in Sydney!!
U call this anti--oz?
Then u have to read CSJ web site lah>>>>
to save your time---
save your posting,
when singapore got bad haze from indonesia blazing forest and land, did the oz know anything about it??
Originally posted by angel7030:save your posting,
when singapore got bad haze from indonesia blazing forest and land, did the oz know anything about it??
Oz dunt need to know.Very few will come to SG to stay!!
U can tell them.I dunt mind.Tell them dunt take or traffficking drugs.
Hanging!!u know lah...
BTW,y do oz need to know?
did i say SG air is 100 % damn clean 24/7?
No we have damn problems if haze come.We can shoot aeroplanes.
But we cant shoot Haze!!bear with it..
We cant invade this or that country just for haze.Right??
Between war or haze.We choose haze.This is the best option,
but not the good one!!Bear with it--
No country is perfect!!Ha ha.
Mirror! Mirror on the wall!!Where is the finest country of them all?
Shooting down airplanes? Invasions? Mirrors? WTF?!
No need to KPKB to the mods - you're automatically being ignored because you always write this kind of fucked-up bullshit.
Better go join Mummy and Daddy in their canine activities instead of wasting bandwidth here.
I was going to post something constructive but it looks as if the noisy lion has been sniffing glue.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:Mirror! Mirror on the wall!!Where is the finest country of them all?
Singapore - one FINE country