I would like to have a new forum
So you want to follow the foot steps of the diecast forum guys?
Good idea as SGF always have server problems, but I don't know about the file hosting though..
Self-hosted? Paid?
How about using forumer?
List of forums
http://www.lefora.com/ (2Gigabyte Storage)
http://www.makeforum.org/ (10 Gigabyte Storage)
The SGDC guys (including me) have migrated to this forum from SGF. No trouble at all. Very Reliable
I do not need hosting options, I want opinions.
Originally posted by joeyfjj:I do not need hosting options, I want opinions.
Good idea.
We've got plans - use x10hosting and myBB, if demand suffices, possibily move on to paid hosting.
Originally posted by joeyfjj:Not confirmed yet, but I want a vote - would you like to move to a self-hosted forum, where we have more features such as more administrative and possibly file hosting options?
Maybe we will just move . Just yesterday , I tried about ten times in google chrome but still cannot get in
Originally posted by joeyfjj:We've got plans - use x10hosting and myBB, if demand suffices, possibily move on to paid hosting.
x10Hosting - you need to login every few days or else everything will be suspended and you will have to unsuspend again.
Erm - I'll just advert here - the other forums are not really set up yet, but for BVE Singapore, please visit sgtransport.x10.mx/member.php?action=register
This forum will still be in use.
Originally posted by Funkymark4211:Bug:
"The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
x10Hosting or forum problem.
Originally posted by Funkymark4211:Bug:
"The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
Try going to sgtransport.x10.mx/member.php?action=register - register from there
The forum is located at: sgtransport.x10.mx/index.php
Fireice must be sad that many forums are moving out of sgf(SGDC, Bus Talk, etc). But she cannot do anything!
I seriously do not understand why can't forums co-exist with each others. Sigh...
The reason why we want another forum is due to the fact that we do not have control over the forums here. There's no category, there's no move/delete threads, there's no control over the user - there's nothing except New Thread and New Reply!
Originally posted by joeyfjj:The reason why we want another forum is due to the fact that we do not have control over the forums here. There's no category, there's no move/delete threads, there's no control over the user - there's nothing except New Thread and New Reply!
You should also consider the constant problems with the forums. Lag and it often seems to be down everyday only in the afternoon.
Try using SPT.... Theres a Train forum there too. PM me for link.
We only have 14 people registered at the new forum .
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