If you want to organize jumpstyle meet-up, please post it here.
ok i decided to organize a meet-up but i need the jumper's co operation.....thank you....
so where do you want it:....vote pls
others(please specify)
so when do you want it:....vote pls
others(please specify)
this is all i can think of for the moment....
we will wait for further notices by mie after u jumpers replied my post
Hey there.
Do invite other jumpers to this forum. Make this forum active!
Cheers! Okay, anything just update me after your confirm the location meet-up!
@ vivo ah...
Busy lol... need practise for jmupstyle for 29 , teachers day :P
27 aug is my school last rehersal day ,
anyway u got ur dates wrong lol,23 is a saturday
since those dates is over new dates are
29 aug(fri)
30aug (sat)
choice for places is still the same but have not comfirmed
because waiting for voters.pls co-operate.
The deadline 4 votes will be on the 27thAugust.
If there isnt enough votings, the whole thing will be cancelled and i will not organise any for the meantime as beyond the dates is ramadhan so have i have to conserve.
Everything cancelled
Originally posted by Rafqiali:Everything cancelled
epic fail
Jump meet-up 2 weeks after fasting month??
who wan make jumpstyle clan???add me in msn.morris9652@hotmail.com