weeee... mi think very late reply...
heee... if moi math is not wrong... yaa... moi is 95/96 batch lor


Time to leave
So many nights I had sat so alone,
waiting for someone to share this beautiful sight.
To see the fairies dancing all around me,
To see them sing and sprinkle their golden dust.
So many dreams I had kept so secret,
waiting for someone to share this magical gift.
To hear my heart's hidden rhythms,
To hear all my joys and sorrows before I had to leave.
But alas, the time is now and alone still I sat,
waiting for someone to come and share.
And so the fairies danced their last, their faces sad,
And so I sigh and left for no one had truly cared.
Along I float, where the ethereal wind wills.
And forever I shall dance and sing alone for this is heaven's will.
Farewell all, and its time to leave.
Time to dance and sing my way from this mortal realm.
-Paz Eterna