Tell us about your collections!!!!
I'll start the ball rolling...
Got a classic Ka-bar. The story behind...i bought my first Ka-bar in '95 and had been using it for camping , was really coo...with all the heritage and all...chops well, easy to sharpen...easy to handle as well...
However, the leather disc handle couldn't handle (no pun intended) the usage and gave way...for awhile, I tried to read up on knife making and the end, i broke the tang while trying to remove the prommel from the tang...dang!!!
Good thing. I recalled a fren also had a Ka-bar (given during his OCS day)...and managed to get him to sell it to me...everything was lovely ever since...
Fallkniven F1 is really a cool knife. Super sharp. Super strong. Great handling. I have mine in zytel shealth so basically it's the best combi between function and form.
The F1 is a relative small knife compared to Ka-bar so basically you can't chop with it. The only way to bring down a branch is by batoning. While, I haven't have the chance to really use it (sim tiah to trash it)....ekekek
Other misc knives include: 1 Gerber ez-out 3", Buck-Tools and 1 SAK (gift from a buddy).
Originally posted by maurizio13:
Hi ma,
That looks like a hollow tang version??
I'm always curious and reluctant to get a hollow for worries of high failure rate...what is your experience with it??
The kurling and 'spikes' at the handle...what's is it for??
More intro to your knife please....material, weight, etc...
Cheers :)