[COLOR=#61443F]Dear Sir/Madam,
We are Year 3 students from Singapore Polytechnic and under Entrepreneurship Concentration. For our practicum, we are planning to launch a business that deals with dogs’ fashion. On top of selling outfits and accessories, we will organize events such as fashion shows and competitions for dogs. We also plan to create awareness of the animal problems we are currently facing in Singapore. Your participation in this survey will let us know how you feel about our business idea. Your help is greatly appreciated.
1. Do you think our Business Idea is feasible?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
2. Do you have at least one dog?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No (Please proceed to Question 7)
3. Are you willing to spend money beautifying your dog?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No. Why? _____________ (Please proceed to Question 5)
4. Where do you normally get information about dog fashion before making purchases? (You may tick more than one)
â–¡ Online (Forums/Blogs)
â–¡ Television advertisements
â–¡ Newspapers
â–¡ Magazines
â–¡ Word of mouth
â–¡ Others: Please specify: _____________
5. Please rank the following factors in the order of importance when purchasing items for your pet. (1 being most important and 5 being most unimportant)
â–¡ Quality ___
â–¡ Price ___
â–¡ Customer Service ___
â–¡ Convenient Location ___
â–¡ Product Variety ___
6. What kind of promotion would you prefer?
(You make tick more than one)
â–¡ Membership
â–¡ Voucher
â–¡ Freebies
â–¡ Discounts
â–¡ Bundle Sets (Packages)
â–¡ Others: Please specify: _____________
7. Will you be interested in attending a dogs’ fashion show if there was one in Singapore?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No. Why? ____________________________________________________
8. Are you aware of the animal problems (like abandonment of pets) we are currently facing in Singapore?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No
9. Do you think that movements and/or events should be organized to create awareness for animal problems in Singapore?
â–¡ Yes
â–¡ No. Why? ___________________________________________________
10. Are there any suggestions you would like to share with us?
[COLOR=blue][B]Respondents Profile[/B][/COLOR]
Name: ________________________________
Email: ________________________________
Gender: F/M
â–¡ 10 to 19
â–¡ 20 to 29
â–¡ 30 to 39
â–¡ 40 to 49
â–¡ Above 50
â–¡ Student
â–¡ Homemaker
â–¡ Temporarily unemployed
â–¡ Employed part-time
â–¡ Employed full-time
â–¡ Below $1,000
â–¡ $1,000 to $1,999
â–¡ $2,000 to $2,999
â–¡ $3,000 to $3,999
â–¡ $4,000 and above
Send it to ariesgal_brana@hotmail.com