Heard of airliners.net?
There is a forum over there which discuss a wide range of topics in regards to airliners. I have decided to set up one over here so that people over here will be more aware of anything to do with airliners.
Travel agencies, airports, aircraft (Airbus , Boeing, CRJ , Tupolev ..etc), latest news, airlines to avoid , latest news ...etc)
Going somewhere ? Not too sure where to book your tickerts ? You can get all your enquiries over here.

In order for this forum to function, I need support from you guys.
I have set up Singapore Bus forum and I am so glad that the forum is now under the control of 3 competent moderators whom I have no doubt will manage the forum well. I hope to do the same for airliners. So feel free to post and ask as many questions as you want.
This forum has been what I have in mind for quite a while and I hope you guys will enjoy the information as much as I do.
This forum will be on trial for 2 weeks, if there is not much response, I will close it down.