I'm married to "Him" on March.. i met him ard my work area at City Hall and we get to know each other for 4yrs before deciding to get married.. He was so sweet at 1st.. we enjoyed the feeling of newly weds.. i agreed to stop my work and spend the rest of my time taking care of him and the family.. we even decided to have 3 babies.. BUT!! he started to ignore me when i speak to him.. he would have excuses like "i'm too tired" or "i've a very bad day today" .. i thought he was really stressed by the work load.. Then!! he started to come home late.. and gets very agitated when i speak to him.. i'm so worried about him.. i called his friends and asked is "Him" very stressful and tired about the family.. they said he was fine and asked me to give him freedom.. i thought that would helped.. i spoke to my sister about these but she told me to look up.. she had male friends who look for prostitute after work.. i started to get worried and try to check his phone.. there was no messages but there are alot of "unknown" calls.. if i ask him who called him, he would say it's his friends.. i couldn't do any thing as he have all his ways to hide from me.. i had my 1st baby.. i have no evidence to even question him.. i'm helpless.. i really need suggestion.. anyone have any suggestions??
Pls! i need help!!
I don't think you need to create a forum for this problem. You can get consultation in Aunt Agony forum.
Anyway, I think you should try calling the unknown number in his phone.
From your paragraph, I understood you just had your first baby, so I think "he" would devote more time for you and your baby.
Married couples should be honest with each other. So I think "he" should come clean with what he did.