You gotta jump jump~~
wat is jump jump.?
you gotta jump jump, cus that what the bass is for~!!!
jump jump?
Originally posted by mancha:jump jump?
Yes you gotta jump jump~!!!
erm, i kind of lost. wats jump jump. jump where .?
Originally posted by WahahaT:erm, i kind of lost. wats jump jump. jump where .?
Just jump jump~ when you hear the score~
jump simi?
Originally posted by maskedangel:jump simi?
Hi darling, just jump jump cus you gotta jump jump!
Talking kok
Originally posted by keeptouch:Talking kok
No kok, just that you gotta jump jump~
Originally posted by popikachu:No kok, just that you gotta jump jump~
No jump, just that you gotta talk kok kok kok
jump jump for wad
pika is stuck wif a song jump jump in his head
I'm sure pika will not be enjoying jumping soon...
song eh?
jump out of window
i still don get this