July 13th Friday...
7.15pm...In a MRT[east-west line]
I was going home frm school...after my ISP [intensive study programme]..
it was pretty late too..was on the MRT and eventually got bored and listened to songs in my Mp3...when suddenly this ah lian got on the mrt in bugis..
she and a couple of pretty wannabes[thinking they are gorgeous] got on the train as well..

frm wat ive seen..she wasnt that hot or pretty or someone hot that boys wud drool over..she was juz a average type...but still she kinda bosted to her friends that shez on a diet to maintain her figurine....


and started to talk with her friends in a squiqish and irritating manner..tat an aunty sitting beside her stood up and went deeper into the train..

i thot this wud be over in a couple of stops..bt then...things got rougher..
she started to laugh loudly with her mates..and tok even more abt hot boys or hw to seduce them...or even worse...comparing their "Hot Body" with each otherz..PUKE!!!
bt then..to shut their Dang HOlez..a middle-aged man approached them and said.."Girl-a...U Veri Noisy leh..Prease la..this public place.."
The ah lianz...cudnt stand this...got of the very next stop...and i gt down as well and walked home..laughing and giggling..about those wannabez..