Originally posted by gigabyte14:
i dunwan full walkthru

i will end up looking at it in all of my missions 1
I think I rmb this map liao, izzit in the centre there is a long pipe? I think for me, I position my long range units ard the pipe and pound them with fire power 1st, and then position my tanks unit ard the pipes seams. But you have to foresee their units movement range, so that when the seams broke, and their units move in, they are unable to move right beside you and attack you.
Use your air units and battle ships and pound the mini cannons. Once the mini cannons are gone, rush in with tanks. And fire those silos away.
For my CO, Orange Star I used Sami, as her Infantry movement and firepower is good, use them to capture the silos. Blue Moon I used Eagle, as BM has air units, Eagle has advantage in that. For Green Earth, I used Jess, she have tank movement and firepower. The rest you have to mix it yourself.
For me, I tend to observe what units are in the deployment phase and choose my CO.
Actually, those walk thru are not much of an use, as diff people use diff CO. I only use them to look at what CO they used for the maps, as some CO, althou weak, but are very useful in some maps.