Its easy and simple to play.
But why do alot of ppl complain about being rejected by girls? I don't think they are stupid..they just don't know the rules of the game. This game is all about short-term relationships, anything long-term is a whole different ball game.
In general, new players should stick to chasing girls that like them. If you think a girl likes you, then make excuses to do things together with her.
Keep it simple - eat lunch together at the coffeeshop, tag along if she needs to return books to the library, go jogging or play tennis after work etc...use your imagination.
Telling her straight out that you 'like her' is a big no-no in this game - it means you are despo. Avoid mushy things like 'i love you', 'dear', ' muacks' or other stupid stuff. Unless the girl is equally despo as well, acting like a jie-mei is an instant put off. Maybe butch will like..idk.
Remember the golden rule - a nice guy is a jie-mei! Yes! You heard that right.
So how can I tell if the girl likes me? Here are some things to look out for:
1. Try invading her 'personal space'. The normal distance people feel comfortable with each other is about 3 feet. Try standing 2 feet away from her, then 1 feet. If she unconciously moves away, fidgets or looks uncomfortable that means she doesn't like you!
2. Observe her facial expression when she is talking to you. Does she look you in the eyes? Are her pupils dilated? Does she smile sweetly when talking to you? If none of these are present...she doesnt like you!
3. When she sees you, does her face suddenly light up with a smile?
4. If all the above are positive, there is one last final test! Accidently touch her hand somewhere, fingers etc... If she is pleased, then she is ready to be your gf. Congrats!
To be continued...