Hmmmm talking abt my bro

Originally posted by Gedanken:
I hope SJI hasn't turned into a bunch of goody-two-shoes since I left. Back in the old days, we used to love putting teachers in a tight spot, and we actually had a competition going. The grand prize winner for my year was a guy called Conrad.
Brother Henry O'Brien, for those who never met him, was a very serious man. he was about 5'6", half of which was his head which framed a very small face. He used to speak with his hands clasped in a very sombre tone. I suspect that had he not become a man of the cloth he would have become a judge.
Anyway, the class was Bible Knowledge and the lesson of the day was the parable of the ten coins. After covering the parable, Henry asked if there were any questions. Conrad put his hand up and Brother Henry invited him to proceed.
"Well, Brother, this doesn't really make much sense to me. Now this old woman only had ten coins, so from that we can understand that she wasn't rich, right?", to which Henry agreed.
"So, if she wasn't rich, why did she light up all the candles she couldn't afford instead of waiting till morning to look for the coin? On top of that, after finding the coin, she blew the remaining money celebrating with the neighbours even though she couldn't afford it. It just doesn't add up".
Henry flew into a panic, flapped his hands about until he clasped them tightly enough to stop blood flow, and said, "No, no, you've taken it out of context - it's not meant to be like that". However, after ten minutes of arguing to and fro, Conrad had Henry dead to rights.
Anyway, suddenly Henry stopped dead in his tracks and said, "Hang on a minute - you're not from this class, are you?". Conrad replied, "No, I'm not - I was in the last class you took, but I popped in here to ask you this question".
It was straight to Brother Kevin's office for Conrad, by which time he'd well and truly earned his place as the prankster of the year, and the eternal professional jealousy of his competition.
So, what was the funniest stunt you guys saw at SJI?