Originally posted by Rizza liau:Hi there. Lets say that I've attained 6 A1s and neglected my CCA so my L1R5 is 6. Is there any way to lower it to 4 without higher mother tongue or CCA?
If you take the special language programme that some JCs offer, you should be able to get 2 pts from that if not wrong.
Originally posted by Rizza liau:What about CIP points?
I don't think that got use. Isn't it compulsory for everyone to just clock a number of hrs? My time no such thing so i am not sure.
CIP points is counted as part of your CCA points. Say you clock 60 hours of CIP and you get a minimum number of points (eg 6 points) added into your CCA tabulation score. If you get between 25-30 or above 30 CCA points, 2 points are deducted from your O level result.
And no, there are no other channels for you to get any deduction besides special language pragramme, HMT and CCA.