any1 know if i can go jc with this kind of results:
EL-D7 AM-A2 EM-A2 SCI-A1 DNT-A1 Com Humans (LIT+SS)- B3 Chinese - C6 i know i failed my english X( but any1 got idea if i can enter jc? o_O
EL - D7 is good luck.
so canot? T_T dont know why its D7 when i did B3 for prelim..i was so stunned todae
if u go JC like that, u buang ur GP how? GP buang oso cannot go uni
better don go JC
i'll work harder for GP >_< cuz this ish the 1st time getin this stupid grade dont know why >_<
Better go to a poly course u are interested in, be among the top of the cohort and enter uni. Get both diploma and degree. Of course provided u already have an interest in a relevant course.
you can go to JC if you want to. even if fail EL, can still go jc if l1r5 below 20.
but at end of J1 u need to take Olvls english again. if u fail, get kicked out.
dunno what course i wan tat's y i tinkin of goin jc ><
nice scorce u got there ( i mean ur a's) but however goin jc is waaaaaaaaaaaay harder than u think so think not twice but thrice!
Originally posted by idiothere:
so canot? T_T dont know why its D7 when i did B3 for prelim..i was so stunned todae
Try to appeal to your Principal.. fast. so weird!
With your results, can go JC. But it'll be tough because got GP.
budden the paper nv write : your eligible for 2 year JC realli can?
appeal k
hey i just refered to the JAE booklet and it says under the i am only eligible for conditional admission only if students ahve grades of A1/A2 in all the R5 subjects i am short of 1 more A's does that mean i cant appeal?
fail english no JC fail maths 90% no poly.
but i pass both
absent for 3 subjects
I can get in JC, but my English is dun dare go JC le.