Anyone has any idea where can I get my hand on this cigarettes (Lucky Stike)? Man I'm been dying to get my hand on those. Heard from me friends that they are still in production and still avaliable in Singapore, but got no idea where to buy it. Someone help me!
Many thanks in advance!
lolx... one of my philippino friends smoked tat brand... but he went back to his country alot of years ago le... tried looking for them at older shops? etc, little india, mustafa, chinatown? U might wanna try luckyplaza too...
Really? Man thanks! I shall go check it out soon. Cos I swear that moment I start smoking Lucky Strike, I'll stop smoking, since my intake of ciggy have drop dramatically, used to be one day 20 sticks a week, now is like 6 sticks per week. LOL!
nowadays lucky strike damn rare sight
Singapore got meh??????
Originally posted by Pentaxdude90:Singapore got meh??????
got... confirmed have...
and btw, 6 stick per week...? most of ur ciggies will taste like shyt 3 days after u open them... u still can tahan so long ah?
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
got... confirmed have...and btw, 6 stick per week...? most of ur ciggies will taste like shyt 3 days after u open them... u still can tahan so long ah?
That's why nowadays I never buy loh, even kup I only kup small qty. I always get from me friends since they used to take it from me. Since I decided to leave the ciggy scene, might as well make it a awesome one.
Originally posted by toyota-corolla:That's why nowadays I never buy loh, even kup I only kup small qty. I always get from me friends since they used to take it from me. Since I decided to leave the ciggy scene, might as well make it a awesome one.
so u wan 1 shot smoke 20 sticks ah???
huat u sia... the taste still ok ok ah... u wanna stop, u try 20 stick camel at 1 go... huat u~
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
so u wan 1 shot smoke 20 sticks ah???huat u sia... the taste still ok ok ah... u wanna stop, u try 20 stick camel at 1 go... huat u~
No lah, crazy arh!? At most kup and take 10 sticks and try to finish within two days. Siao arh, 20 sticks in a day can knock me out siah! And Camel will just kill me instantly.