• Open to students studying in any educational institutions in ASEAN countries. • Participation is on individual basis only. • Entries must be newly created and unpublished. (Entry has never appeared in the market as a product, featured in any newspapers, magazines, exhibitions or been a winner of other competitions.)
Young Designers Category
• Open to entries from the Asia Pacific region. • Participation is on individual basis only. • Participants must be of aged 35 years and below as at 1 March 2008. • Entries must be newly created and unpublished. (Entry has never appeared in the market as a product, featured in any newspapers, magazines, exhibitions or been a winner of other competitions.)
Open Category
• Open to Local and International entries. • Participation is on company basis only. • Entries are not confined to the theme. • Entries must have been manufactured and launched commercially in the market. • Participation fee of US$120 (For overseas participants) or S$214 (For Singapore participants. Inclusive of 7% GST rate from 1 July 2007) is applicable to each company. (15% discount is applicable to SFIC Members only.)
Submission Deadline
Students & Young Designers Categories 31 August 2007, 5pm (Singapore Time)
Please send your entry to: The Organiser Singapore Furniture Industries Council 25 International Business Park #04-22 German Centre Singapore 609916
Open Category 31 October 2007, 5pm (Singapore Time)
Please send your entry to: The Organiser Singapore Furniture Industries Council 62 Sungei Kadut Loop #04-19 International Furniture Centre Singapore 729507
For enquiries, please contact the following SFIC Secretariats:
Ms Dyanne Sim DID: (+65) 6568 3201
Ms Joyce Lee DID: (+65) 6568 3251
Email: fda@singaporefurniture.com
Kuali Baba
Maybe next year, or the year after for me .
was kinda tempted to do this. but. i dun think my standard is there yet.