hahaOriginally posted by kb24:If the five ppl im gonna mention ever form a band,the other bands can juz pack up and go home..
My kings are... Lee Hom, JJ Lin, Jay Chou, David Tao,Cao Ge...
Hu ever can top my picks,pls do so!!
jacky wu!Originally posted by xShevchenkox:wu zhong xian aka jacky wu
Dong fang bi li
Benny tan which is me
Luo Zhi XiangOriginally posted by pierre^^:Oi
Why no mention Luo Zhi Xiang![]()
x2Originally posted by anhydrouscoppersulphate:heavenly king is just a name. but none of the above mentioned was as popular and have sold more albums then the former authentic four heavenly kings
orh hor.Originally posted by kb24:Err those i mentioned are 'shi li pai' composers cum vocalists mah..Luo Zhi Xiang hor..er...ermm...well...arhmmm...uh hum...
he can dance well i agree,he's gd looking i agree,he's popular i agree..tt's pretty much all i agree
no offense to his fans though!! PEACE!!
At least 3 out of 5 you've monetioned are not Shi Li Pai liao leh.Originally posted by kb24:Err those i mentioned are 'shi li pai' composers cum vocalists mah..Luo Zhi Xiang hor..er...ermm...well...arhmmm...uh hum...
he can dance well i agree,he's gd looking i agree,he's popular i agree..tt's pretty much all i agree
no offense to his fans though!! PEACE!!
Just to kau kuan your forum abit.Originally posted by kb24:haha one thing i noticed to keep a forum going(no matter for how long), is to create controversy and to provide a common enemy(me),so im the bad guy liao..
well those i mentioned, which isnt shi li pai? and mine is modern version ma, u ke li ling all those a bit.. kinda lack 'modern-ness', eh?
PEACE (no badminton racquets pls!)
x3Originally posted by anhydrouscoppersulphate:heavenly king is just a name. but none of the above mentioned was as popular and have sold more albums then the former authentic four heavenly kings