From my knowledge, its seems that our govt is afraid to take stand on the issue of religion.
To me, if I am singapore leader, or world leader, I would straight away promote atheism simply because it is plain obvious truth. The govt always tell us the importance of honesty, fairness, justice, hardworking and also tell us to be more and more intelligent.
On the other hand, when it comes to religion, it becomes a taboo subject, better to be swept under the carpet. We are being told to learn and appreciate other religions and create interfaith groups that focus on peace towards society.
This method, to me, is inefficient. I shall say these, religion, are false, and as human being, i really cannot stand false ideals and concept. They just lead to more trouble to our world. I cannot believe that our world today is still stuck in the rut and that no people of power, which are the state leaders from any countries, are not really telling the truth to its people.
Do you know which state in the world, where the govt takes an strong stance towards the issue of religion? LIke they will say,
" we, the country of so-and-so, do not believe in religion, and we seriously urge our fellow people to do likewise too, although, you all have a final say in what you want to believe, because we dun wanna to take away your freedom of choice."
"Nevertheless, atheism is damn important, so we hope you people are all atheists, really"
is there a reason
to promote ?
i do not see
any reason
why they should do
Our govt has always tell people to upgrade our skills in today's world? Why are they telling us to upgrade our logic skills, and thus challenging our beliefs, in the hope of creating the right beliefs in our lives.
Why is religion so sensitive a subject? Is true that no politician or leader would really take a stand on it? Does atheism belong only to scientists, or professionals , who are usually the people who promote atheism as much as they can, like Richard Darkwin?
some scientists
have different beliefs
belief is a personal thing
therefore it is a
personal choice
why force your
own personal belief
on someone else?
Originally posted by min_min:is there a reason
to promote ?
i do not see
any reason
why they should do
Why do parents send children to schools? TO gain knowledge, and to know the truth from the false. We go to school is to learn that 2 + 3 is 5 and not other things else.
Truth is valuable. This is the simple reason.
Originally posted by min_min:some scientists
have different beliefs
belief is a personal thing
therefore it is a
personal choice
why force your
own personal belief
on someone else?
SO you mean, if your kid tell you that its alright to jump off the building because it is his belief that he will reach the ground safely, then you will say, ok because you should not force your own belief onto him.
Ignorance lead to bad things. Wrong knowledge leads to bad consequences. Can a society works if everyone can do what they want because its their personal belief. WHy the govt and society are creating so many rules for people to adhere to then? Because they believe in right and wrong things, and they will go all out to enforce the rules.
the govt can't encourage athiesm anymore than they can encourage buddhism or christianity or islam.
it remains, a personal choice. everyone knows that athiesm is an option of belief available among many options. it's up to the individual to choose for himself what to believe?
of course, i suppose athiests are free to promote whatever they believe in, just as other religious groups
I am already quite thankful that in Singapore, they do not have their laws based on religious lores.... If they do, they deserve to be out.
Bear in mind not all scientist believe that god create the earth in any specific way; they believe that god may have created the word, but doen not interfere with how science works.... Thus they have no bias in their science, science and the believe in god may not be mutually exclusive...
To answer you question: >90% of voters are NOT atheists.
actually, the govt is worrying too much. Our govt usually gets what they want and still win the election anyway. They are just paranoidal about it. They cost of not telling its citizens the truth about life is too costly liao.
A god which creates the world then does not interfere will mean that we do not need to bother about him because all we need is to study the science he created and out it into good use. Since he does not interfere, we cannot ask him for free knowledge then.
Anyway, saying that god create the world is a baseless guess. Its the same as me saying that my hamsters are then really the creator of the universe and they return onto earth recently to become my pet when someone gave them to me. Therefore, god is now my pet.
I think atheist population in singapore is less than 5%.
Originally posted by january:I think atheist population in singapore is less than 5%.
Thank heavens for that .
Originally posted by Omnia:Thank heavens for that
Thank the almighty FSM who lives in heaven who gives us our daily ramen and touches our lives with his noodly appendages
Atheism is important in the 21st century because the number of atheists is small but we can see how destructive atheism is in the last 100 years.
Originally posted by googoomuck:Atheism is important in the 21st century because the number of atheists is small but we can see how destructive atheism is in the last 100 years.
destructive to the stupidity u mean.
to not discriminate others religion
Originally posted by whiskers:destructive to the stupidity u mean.
Destruction of more than 250 million human lives.
Because other's beliefs is a sensitive thing no matter what. You can say so much. But if you go out to churches, temples, and promote, it is the hardest thing to do. If you try it once, i'm sure you'll understand
maybe its time for me to share astral side (not a realigon) so that u people know what it is
january add me dude at
Originally posted by googoomuck:Destruction of more than 250 million human lives.
Have you by any chance seen how destructive religion has been in the last 10 years, let alone the last 10 decades? If not, you'd really be surprised.
Days of rioting among rival Christians and Muslims on the devastated Indonesian island of Ambon has claimed at least 50 lives. Among those killed is a soldier who was stabbed to death by rioters after they refused to hand over weapons. One of the latest batches of victims was five Muslim men who had been dragged from a truck at a Christian roadblock, hacked to death and their bodies set alight, with an outnumbered military patrol standing helplessly by. The unofficial death toll in the religious violence was put at more than 100.
The abovementioned occured in 1999.
ENUGU, Nigeria, Feb 24 (Reuters) - Christian youths armed with machetes, stones and clubs attacked Muslims in the southeastern Nigerian city of Enugu on Friday and a Reuters witness saw a mob beat one man to death.
The abovementioned occured more recently, in 2006.
New fighting erupted yesterday between Muslims and Christians in Indonesia's Spice Islands, leaving at least 18 more people dead even as soldiers and police confiscated thousands of weapons in an effort to halt the violence
And this was dated 2000.
There are a lot more examples I can quote but I will leave you with these three for now. I'm not saying Atheists have a clean record either, but do think it through before making open statements.
If we are going to have a proper discussion about topics as sensitive as this, explain your thoughts or ideas and, if possible, throw in some quotations or links to sources to support your theories. I am sure everyone will appreciate that as much as I would. :)
If no money can be made from doing this, why bother?
simple... because of those commies in the past!
erm dun u tink if u promote will trigger another racial riot?i am not against atheism..there are some logics in atheism that i somehow agree...
Originally posted by A.T.R:erm dun u tink if u promote will trigger another racial riot?i am not against atheism..there are some logics in atheism that i somehow agree...
Originally posted by Retorth:
In my opinion, discussion about Atheism or any topic for that matter should not spark any kind of violence. It is only because of insensitive, immature participants that cause misunderstandings and tension. Honestly, it is not that big a deal. It is just blown so far out of proportion.
ic...guess you'll be the one promoting Atheist i propose?